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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • Computer screen shot of a test questions with different colorful answer buttons.

                Online platform to prepare all students for final primary school exams

                The free online platform supports schoolchildren with and without disabilities in their preparation in mathematics and the Serbian language. The exam questions are available in various formats, along with functions in Easy Language and explanatory pictures. Since its launch in 2015, almost 4,000 school children have benefited.
                Mathematicial Society of Serbia, Final Exam, Serbia

              • Sample of communication boards.

                Access to Justice in Israel for people with complex communication difficulties

                Israel was the first country to introduce the right to barrier-free investigations into the law.As part of the pilot project "The Right to be Heard", 14 special investigators were trained in the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and 12 speech pathologists were trained to support investigations.
                JDC - American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, The Right to Be Heard, Israel

              • A dedicated TV channel for the hearing impaired

                Broadcasting of the Listening with Your Eyes channel began in 2017. The channel allows conventional programmes to provide closed captioning and sign language displayed over the original content. The size and position of the captioning and sign on the display can be determined by the viewer using a remote control and receiver.
                Organization for Broadcasting and Communications for People with Disabilities, Japan

              • A young woman sits at a computer with her hands on the keyboard. Her head is turned slightly to smile at the camera.

                Technology centres offering accessible training in digital skills and career support

                The programme offers free and accessible online and in-person training in life, technical, and digital skills, partnering locally with potential employers and mentors. POETA DigiSpark has trained more than 4,000 people since starting in 2013, and has registered 200,000 visits to its seven technology centres.
                Trust for the Americas, POETA DigiSpark, Argentina

              • 6 women sit around a table, which is covered with documents, taking part in a class.

                A systematic approach to creating inclusive school environments

                "One school for All" is the first whole school approach to Inclusive Education in Bulgaria. The two-year programme offers schools a structured and systemic approach in four key areas: school leadership, teaching practices, partnership with parents, and child safety. In Bulgaria, the programme costs around € 5,200 for a school.
                Association for Shared Learning ELA, One School for All – a model for creating inclusive school environments, Bulgaria

              • A Blind man from northern region of Malawi in a mock election.

                Increasing political participation through targeted lobbying on many levels


                Measures focus on engaging with election stakeholders, but also include lobbying political contestants, holding public debates, and promoting media coverage. Successes include the involvement of people with disabilities by the Electoral Commission and the introduction of tactile ballot papers.
                FEDOMA - Federation of Disability Organizations in Malawi, Malawi

              • A group of friends sits close together in a cafe and converses via streamer devices, which they are holding in their hands.

                A website offering instant captioning and translation

                Streamer is a subscription-based website that captions speech to text in real-time and also offers an option to translate simultaneously into 117 languages. Streamer is suitable for use with speeches, conversations, classroom lectures, seminars, and webinars. Users can set up a private and secure Streamer website
                SpeechGear, Streamer, United States of America

              • A person holds a tablet computer in her hands. On the screen is written ‘conference call’ and the conversation is about to start. There is a touch keyboard at the lower part of the tablet.

                Accessible phone calls for the Deaf for private and professional needs

                Pedius is a communication system that enables hearing impaired people to make telephone calls independently and at any time. Pedius Work Inclusion offers special features, such as subtitled conference calls. Founded in 2013, Pedius now has over 35,000 users in 13 countries and supports seven languages.
                Pedius, Pedius Work Inclusion, Italy

              • A sample of an accessibility assessment of an object.

                Rating the accessibility of buildings using a well-known seal system

                BPASS carries out accessibility assessments of objects and public spaces based on a 300-question checklist for 11 different beneficiary groups. The actual state of the building or public space is visualised with a colour scheme and a rating. In addition to German, BPASS is also available other languages.
                EUKOBA - European Competence Centre for Accessibility, BPASS, Germany

              • ICT solution for people with reduced mobility to use public transport

                "App&Town Compagnon" is an app that allows people with reduced mobility to use public transport autonomously. The app was developed by Mass Factory Urban Accessible Mobility from Barcelona, Spain, and includes route planning, personalized guidance and assistance.
                Mass Factory Urban Accessible Mobility, S.L., App&Town Compagnon, Spain