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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • Pointers Identify access features & obstacles e.g., a trip hazard. Information covers mobility, hearing, sight & cognitive issues. Knowing what to expect from a venue reduces anxiety & the need to contact them for clarification

                Picture galleries providing comprehensive insight into a venue´s accessibility

                The Blue Badge Style Access Gallery features images of venues, hotels, and restaurants overlaid with notes on accessibility features. The information can be accessed via an app through the Blue Badge Style website, a British disability organization, or via the venue’s website.
                Blue Badge Style, Blue Badge Style Access Gallery, United Kingdom

              • A man sits on a chair next to a boy who is standing. Both are looking at the screen of a tablet in front of them. The boy is touching the screen.

                Teaching sign language with videos, Artificial Intelligence, and gamification

                SignLab uses video, Artificial Intelligence, and gamification to teach sign languages more effectively and affordably. The online and offline platform has quadrupled the number of people learning Norwegian sign language since 2018, and it will introduce Chinese, Indonesian, and Indian sign languages by 2022.
                SignLab AS, SignLab - Toleio, Norway

              • Men and women on wheelchairs playing basketball.

                A community centre built on Universal Design principles

                The Mary Free Bed YMCA is a 36 acre community centre in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The facility is the first building in the world to be certified by the Global Universal Design Commission. Currently, the center has over 200 adaptive sports athletes that access the YMCA for practice, tournaments, and fitness.
                Progressive AE - Progressive Architectural Design and Engineering, United States of America

              • A woman using a laptop.

                Private company joins a university in training students in web accessibility

                "Los Laboratorios de Accesibilidad Web" (Web Accessibility Laboratories) is a project for improving web accessibility expertise in Latin America. The approach is based on a training course and the development of web accessibility assessment tools. Since the start in 2015, 150 programmers and designers have passed the course.
                Hearcolors, The Web Accessibility Laboratories, Mexico

              • A old lady grins at a girl, who is watching a video on her laptop.

                A video book library of children’s stories read in sign language

                „Videolibros enseñas“ ist the first virtual video library of Spanish-language children’s literature available in sign language. The videos are accompanied by voice-over so that deaf children can read stories with their hearing parents or with teachers and peers in the classroom even if they do not know sign language.
                Canales Civil Association, Videobooks, Argentina

              • A group of 5 men women, one sitting in a wheelchair with a transportation device attached, stand in front of a wooden shed each holding up the "peace sign" with their hands.

                Accessible agriculture technology creating inclusive jobs in rural areas

                Initiated by Light for the World, an international NGO, the "Accessible Agriculture" project is assisting farmers with disabilities and older persons to participate in farming through the development of personalized assistive technology, adapting processes such as water transportation and mushroom growing.
                Light for the World Cambodia, Accessible Agriculture – The Agri-Lab Experience, Cambodia

              • A group of young men in uniforms stand during a wood work course and following the class.

                Inclusive Education policy in Namibia

                The policy defines eight guiding principles for inclusive education. Amon them are awareness raising, financial support or training for teachers and support staff as well as a curricular review to reflect the diversity of needs of all learners and a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the policy.
                Namibian Ministry of Arts, Education and Culture, Sector Policy on Inclusive Education, Namibia

              • People sit in the audience or behind a desk in a circle, developing an app during a public workshop.

                Improving research and training on urban accessibility and Universal Design

                The project involves publishing research on Universal Design, improving the curricula and training of planners and surveyors undertaking university study, plus assessing cities on accessibility criteria. As of 2019, two studies and one paper have been published, and four university courses have been modified.
                University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Teaching Universal Design, Serbia

              • A man sits at a desk in an office smiling. He is taking an envelope from a man standing next to the desk, who is smiling back at him.

                Job clubs as employment entry points for people with intellectual disabilities

                To get people with intellectual disabilities into regular jobs, Instituto Jô Clemente uses a model with three key elements: professional guidance (Work Club), employment development, and post-inclusion monitoring. The model has been designed as a low-cost practice and is funded by the participating companies.
                Jo Clemente Institute, Professional Inclusion, Brazil

              • A screenshot of the map indicating accessbility features of the buildings.

                The playful way to create accessibility maps

                The free app features a gamification element called "AXS Mapathons," whereby teams compete against each other in real time while rating venues in their community on their accessibility. Google supports AXS Map through their annual volunteer programme, Google Serve. By mid of 2017, ASX Map had 100,000 users in 200 cities.
                AXS Map, United States of America