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              Your search returned 883 Solutions

              • Returning children to their families and an inclusive environment

                Based on an inclusive policy and the programme, children with disabilities were allowed to leave residential care and return to their communities while receiving education in a mainstream school. Between 2007 and 2013 the number of children in institutions could be reduced from more than 11,500 to less than 4,000.
                Lumos Foundation Moldova, Moldova

              • The right to a personal assistance budget

                The personal assistance budget (PAB) covers 100% of service costs, and enables individuals themselves to purchase self-directed personal assistance services from public and private entities. Notably, the policy has created a demand-driven market for personal assistance where providers compete for customers.

              • A co-working model of employment

                CHANGE is an international human rights organisation run by disabled people and employs people with learning disabilities as equal employees. They develop accessible resources, deliver training and run projects. The "Co-working Model of Employment" ensures that two people share responsibility and work together in an inclusive way.
                CHANGE, A co-working model of employment, United Kingdom

              • Set in a classroom of an accessbile e-learning center, a blind teacher wearing sunglases explains how to use the keyboard  to a young blind boy  in order to access an e-learning program on his screen.

                University-based accessible e-learning centre for

                students with disabilities

                The Inclusive University Initiative of the NGO YPSA is an e-learning centre that provides accessible learning materials and volunteer support for students with visual impairments at the University of Chittagong in Bangladesh. Launched in 2019, there were five projects at other universities in 2021 and a plan for an online self-study portal.
                YPSA - Young Power in Social Action, Inclusive University: An accessible e-resource centre in the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh


                The "Standard SWiFT 9:2012 Universal Design for Energy Suppliers" and its respective toolkit has been the first standard worldwide, which provides clear guidance for energy suppliers to make their communications accessible. It includes all written, face-to-face, electronic or web-based communication.
                Commission for Energy Regulation, Accessible services for energy customers, Ireland

              • Audio-descriptive commentary for blind and partially sighted people in football stadiums

                The ADC programme of the NGO CAFE in the United Kingdom, trains soccer commentators to provide audio-descriptive commentary (ADC) in English and in the local language. The broadcast is via an FM radio frequency, and reception is via proprietary equipment or headsets provided on-site.
                CAFE - Center for Access to Football in Europe, ADC Programme, United Kingdom

              • Effective employment services

                Rather than focusing on a person’s functional limitations through work capability assessments, Access to Work focuses on which supports or work environment enable individuals with disabilities to work. Part of this is the "right to control" giving persons with disabilities control over the budgets allocated to them.
                UK Department of Work and Pensions, Office for Disability Issues, Effective employment services, United Kingdom

              • A classroom setting in a universtity. A group of young male students sit on the floor in an imporvised playing field trying to throw a ball over a slim cord, dividing the field. Their classmates cheer and take fotos in the background..

                University teaching principles and practical applications of Universal Design

                Argentina’s Universidad Nacional de Tucuman has offered an elective course on accessibility and Universal Design for students in the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism. The accessible courses are led by people with and without disabilities, using for example audio description, subtitling, image description, and materials in accessible formats.
                Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Tucuman, Teaching Accessibility in the Academic Environment, Argentina

              • A company employing 90 per cent persons with disabilities in online services

                Genashtim Innovative Learning Pte Ltd., GENASHTIM INNOVATIVE LEARNING, Singapore

              • There is a long rectangular table with five young people sitting on each side and one person at the head. A laptop and training materials are on the table. Most people are  smiling.

                Vocational training and micro-financing for young people with disabilities

                The project offers accessible vocational training and management courses as well as mentorship and access to microfinance. Between 2018 and 2020, the project delivered over 50 training courses for 400 participants, 200 people with disabilities found employment, and 23 small businesses were created.
                LUPD - Lebanese Union for People with Physical Disabilities, Improving Socio-economic Opportunities for People with Disabilities in Bekaa and South Lebanon, Lebanon