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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • A group of African individuals, some using wheelchairs and crutches, engages in a discussion in a professional setting. The image represents empowerment and inclusion, showing people with diverse abilities participating fully in community or organizational activities, fostering respect and understanding.

                A large NGO prioritizing purchases from entrepreneurs with disabilities

                World Vision Zambia connects entrepreneurs with disabilities to supply chains. By 2024, registered suppliers rose from 12 to 30, delivering goods like food and cleaning supplies via WhatsApp-based coordination.
                World Vision Zambia, Registration programme for disability-owned suppliers, Zambia

              • Three individuals, appearing to be family members or close friends, sit together, each holding a small device that seems to light up based on interactions. Their expressions are warm and engaged, symbolizing technology's role in fostering social and emotional connections in an inclusive environment.

                A social robot ‘buddy’ for those with psychosocial disabilities

                Happybots in the Netherlands developed Felix, an AI 'buddy' for psychosocial disabilities. By 2024, Felix supported 270 users across 55 organizations to improve mental well-being.
                Happybots B.V., Happybots Felix, Netherlands

              • Students sit outside in the shadow, reading their pads and listening to their teachers.

                Museum accessibility for visitors with intellectual disability

                The project aims to increase knowledge of those working in museums about accessibilities for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Training and support are provided in order to adapt or create accessible installations. Since the initial phase ended, AKIM has continued to train staff in other leisure organizations.
                AKIM Israel - The National Organization for People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families, Making museums and sites of leisure cognitively accessible, Israel

              • Person with physical disability voting.

                Increasing Voter Accessibility in Paraguay

                Ahead of the 2015 municipal elections, USAID and Fundación Saraki reviewed the legal framework regarding accessibility in elections. Their recommendations led to new regulations, such as providing absentee ballots for the first time and making information about voting available in sign language and Braille.
                USAID - United States Agency for International Development, Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning, Paraguay

              • Bringing organisations together to campaign for national disability legislation.

                Strategic engagement with government to push for national disability legislation

                Mphasis funded the NCPEDP with the purpose of advocating for a national disability policy. The programme carried out an intensive, multifaceted drive to bring together people with disabilities and government representatives. The effort resulted in the passage of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act in 2016.
                Mphasis, Ltd., India

              • ACE members question political candidates to the Scottish Parliamentary Elections at accessible hustings.

                Empowering Individuals in their Right to Vote

                ENABLE Scotland and the UK Electoral Commission have jointly developed easy-read guides to support people with learning disabilities to vote, plus voting factsheets for family members and support workers. In addition, workshops and events are organised where people with learning disabilities meet their local politicians.
                ENABLE Scotland, #ENABLEtheVote, United Kingdom

              • A child on a wheelchair going swimming.

                Multiple tailored solutions offer physical and financial independence

                In the Alhassan Foundation more than 50 percent of the board members and 80 percent of the employees are wheelchair users. The Foundation aims for wheelchair users in Egypt to reach higher levels of inclusion and independance in all aspects of life, including education, employment, and sports.
                Alhassan Foundation, Egypt

              • Erwin volunteering in a school.

                An inclusive international volunteer programme

                WeltWegWeiser is a service centre for people with disabilities who are interested in volunteering abroad. The organisation does not offer its own assignments, but advises interested people on suitable volunteer jobs based on their skills, interests and disabilities. Financial support is available for assignments.
                Jugend eine Welt, WeltWegWeiser, Austria

              • Steven and his mentor, Paul, in the break room at Alberta Gas © Ready, Willing and Able Initiative Brian and colleagues sharing a story in the kitchen at Liberty-Grand © Ready, Willing and Able Initiative

                Creating employer demand for inclusive hiring


                By taking a demand rather than a supply focus, the initiative enters into a direct dialogue with employers, informing them why persons with intellectual disabilities make excellent employees and can fill regularly occurring vacancies. Begun in 2014 1,159 employment opportunities were secured by September 2016.
                Canadian Department of Employment and Social Development, Ready, Willing and Able Initiative (RWA) of 2014-2017
Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)/Service Canada, Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) and Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance (CASDA), Canada, Canada

              • A comprehensive training and transition model involving hundreds of partnerships

                The Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), a non-profit organization in Bangladesh supported by CBM Australia, is helping a large number of people with disabilities to get employment, work, and vocational training. CDD works in partnership with a network of over 350 organizations both nationally and internationally.
                CDD - Centre for Disability and Development, Bangladesh