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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • A panel discussion on autism awareness with a focus on women, highlighting inclusion in neurodiversity. Participants listen attentively, promoting understanding of unique perspectives and experiences within the autism community.

                A large ICT consulting company implementing a global programme to support neurodiverse employees

                Capgemini's NeuroInclusion program creates ICT jobs for individuals with disabilities. By 2024, 5,000 employees across 6 countries received training for an inclusive workplace.
                Capgemini, NeuroInclusion Programme, France

              • Multinational IT-manufacturer developing an accessible hiring and workplace programme

                Flex Zhuhai is the Chinese subsidiary of Flex Ltd, a leading electronics contract manufacturer. In 2015, Flex Zhuhai implemented an accessibility programme, including accessible hiring practices and an internship programme. By 2021 the number of employees with disabilities had increased from 13 to more than 200.
                Flex Ltd., Barrier free programme, China

              • Project particiant are trying to eat while wearing gloves.

                Sharing personal experiences to improve the quality of inclusive teaching

                The programme focuses on teachers and other providers of school services. The training itself includes four components: understanding disability through lectures, experiential activities and simulations, interactions with instructors with disabilities, and teaching tools for inclusive and accessible education.
                Access Israel, Training for Inclusive Teaching, Israel

              • Students learn in class, while the teacher is standing in the middle und holding a power point presentation in the back.

                Subscription-based online education platforms that also work without internet

                Kamer Big Bang is an online resource centre for matching users with jobs and learning opportunities. educlick is a mobile phone-based e-learning system whereby users undertake courses via text message. Originally targeted to people displaced through armed conflict, both platforms became popular with people with disabilities.
                EduClick, Kamer Big Bang platform and educlick platform , Cameroon

              • An Airport Rehearsal Programme for People with Disabilities, Families and Staff

                Wings for Autism allows people with autism and with intellectual disabilities, as well as their families, to practice all the steps involved in travelling by plane, and to do so in a safe environment. From 2014 to 2018, Wings for Autism has trained approximately 13,500 people, family members, as well as airport and airline personnel.
                The Arc of the United States, Wings for Autism, United States of America

              • PPCIL Personal Assistant Training.

                Introduction of the personal assistance model

                In 2016 the Phnom Penh Centre for Independent Living (PPCIL) introduced the first personal assistance model for people with severe disabilities in Cambodia. Between 2016 and 2018, more than 300 people with disabilities have benefitted from the PPCI programme, , which is to become a national policy.
                Phnom Penh Center for Independent Living, Cambodia

              • "Jovan works as a baker and lives in a shared apartment after years in an institutions.
Dragica preparing dinner in her shared apartment after years in an institution."

                Person centred assistance and accommodation in communal housing

                "Supported Living in the Community" places people with intellectual disabilities in shared apartments and supports them individually. Following a pilot between 2005 and 2008, the programme has since grown to a long-term project with 39 adults living in 12 apartments across the city of Novi Sad. Nine of them previously resided in institutions.
                School for Elementary and Secondary Education - Milan Petrovic, Serbia

              • Two women on a wheelchair learning in a workshop.

                Leadership programme for women with disabilities

                The selected participants attend workshops where they learn to self-advocate and empower others, after which they implement their own small projects. To date, 24 women have completed the programme, with 12 having since received formal leadership positions or promotions. A further 470 women have been reached via the small projects.
                Light for the World Austria, Women Leadership Programme, Cambodia

              • Fighting unemployment from two sides: with training centres and by influencing legal frameworks

                4J sets up centres as a public-private partnership to provide vocational training for young people with disabilities from rural areas and places them in companies. Due to State Government participation in the programme, Y4J has been able to influence the legal framework towards pro-disability policies.
                Youth4Jobs Foundation, Centre for Persons with Disability Livelihoods (CPDL), India

              • Rimman Rammal

                Changing the hiring policies of companies towards young people with disabilities

                Through networking and training strategies the LPHU has succeeded in creating decent work for people with disabilities in Lebanon and Palestine. LPHU has signed cooperation agreements with 97 companies which include inclusion in their employment policies and are converting their buildings to be accessible.
                LPHU - Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union, Lebanon