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              Your search returned 883 Solutions

              • Integrated employment model

                SPAGAT is a model for the integration of persons with severe disabilities into the employment world. SPAGAT provides support for, accompanies and finds work for such persons in the primary labour market. Companies pay for the actual work; the difference in productivity is subsidised by the provincial government, as are the mentors’ costs.
                ifS - Institute for Social Services Vorarlberg, Integrated employment model, Austria

              • 28-week employment training programme

                LetsCo! organizes long-term trainings (one day every two weeks for 28 weeks), including traineeships in regular working environments such as for-profit companies (as co-workers), in kindergartens, and in elderly care centres. As a result, participants develop professional skills and discover their talents, and areas in need of improvement.
                Konekt vzw, Belgium

              • Five men in working uniforms are wearing green helmets. One of them in kneeling on the floor working with a cable. A man to his right holds together two tubes.

                Moving inactive people with disabilities from social services to employment

                A multidisciplinary team provides training, support, and internship opportunities to inactive youth with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities. Between 2017 and 2019, One-on-one has been working with 228 employers and supporting 2,054 people with disabilities to transition to employment.
                ONCE Foundation, One-on-one, Spain

              • Participatory collection of disability data in cities to improve public service

                Kota Kita, an NGO from Solo City, Indonesia, generates a disability-inclusive profile of cities by collecting differentiated data in real time using a geo-tagging app. By involving people with disabilities, the results provide a basis for cities to take action to make them more disability-friendly.
                Kota Kita, Participatory Approach for Disability-Inclusive Cities Indonesia/Disability-Inclusive Cities Indonesia, Indonesia

              • Personal development through employment

                Samhall is a state-owned company assigned to provide Meaningful work that furthers the personal development of people with disabilities. In 2013, 20,000 people were employed in 250 localities throughout Sweden and a total of almost 25,000 had been able to take the next step to a job with another employer.
                Samhall, Personal development through employment, Sweden

              • Felting and knitting skills as the key to self-employment

                EPSA produces and sells a variety of felting and knitting products made by young women with disabilities. Participants in their vocational training are provided with meals and accommodations. Since 2009, almost 400 young women have benefited from being trained and equipped to work on a self-employment base.
                EPSA - Entire Power in Social Action, Employment programme for young women with physical disabilities., Nepal

              • Promoting an inclusive workplace

                Wipro’s Equal Opportunity Policy is comprehensive and ensures that inclusion becomes an integral part of culture and working. Wipro’s hiring policy for persons with disabilities is merit-based across all roles. Implementation of practice of inclusion is across 130,000 employees working in over 56 countries.
                Wipro Ltd., Promoting an inclusive workplace, India

              • A man and a woman wearing hygiene masks pack food in paper bags, which sit on a counter in front of them. On the counter are also flowers and full carafes of water and empty water glasses.

                Two restaurants run by persons with disabilities

                "Ízlelő Restaurants" are adapted to the needs of employees, with special work procedures and ongoing training. The first restaurant was opened in 2007, and 46 people with various disabilities are now employed in two restaurants and the model has been developed into a social franchise handbook.
                Kek Madar Foundation, Ízlelő restaurants – Tasty restaurants, Hungary

              • Support in transition to adult life

                The School-to-Community Transition Initiative aims to improve the quality of transition planning and transition services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This goal is achieved by identifying successful programmes that can be replicated nationwide within The Arc’s network of local and state chapters.
                The Arc of the United States, Support in transition to adult life, United States of America

              • The Living Link: Creating Abilities from Disabilities

                To enhance the potential of intellectually disabled adults The Living Link developed a one-year Adult Integration Programme, which consists of teaching essential work readiness and life-skills, providing work training and experience and attending a five-day "Independent Living tour," during which newly learned skills are applied and assessed.
                Living Link, South Africa