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Your search returned 692 Solutions
Accessible eBook library with over 775,000 books in 47 languages
Benetech’s software platform renders books and other print materials into five accessible digital formats.The organization works with 900 publishers and NGOs. Membership in Bookshare is free for eligible US students, while individuals from the US and other countries pay up to a maximum of USD 50 per year.
Benetech, Bookshare, United States of America -
Accurate navigation system for the blind and visually impaired to improve public services
Waymap, an IT-start-up company from the United Kingdom, enables visually impaired people to orient themselves indoors and outdoors with a location accuracy of one meter. It is aimed at public transport operators, who offer the service free of charge to customers with disabilities.
Waymap, Waymap, United Kingdom -
A social franchise model for accessibility experts
In 2015, the All-Russian Society of Disabled People (ARDS) began to conduct accessibility seminars throughout the country. In order to support many of the people it trains, the ARDS set up expert centres across Russia, offering advice and financial support. By 2019, some 480 experts were working in 64 of 85 regions of Russia.
All Russian Society of Disabled People, Certification in Accessibility Expertise, Russia -
Comprehensive database of accessibility features in mobile devices and Smart TVs
"Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative" is a free online database that lists the accessibility features of mobile phones, tablets, apps, Smart TVs, and wearables. GARI provides information on more than 110 accessibility features of approximately 1,100 mobile phone models and receives approximately 500,000 views per month.
Mobile & Wireless Forum, GARI, Belgium -
Training persons with intellectual disabilities to be self-advocates
The training of self-advocates takes an average of ten months and covers human rights, participation mechanisms, supported decision-making, and development of expressive ability, with the help of manuals and group teaching. Over 400 persons with intellectual disabilities and 100 facilitators undertook the training between 2014 and 2018.
FEPAPDEM - National Federation of Mothers and Fathers of People with Intellectual Disability , Ecuador -
At-home support for parents with intellectual disabilities
Begleitete Elternschaft’ (Accompanied Parenthood ) is a project of MOBILE – Selbstbestimmtes Leben Behinderter e.V. from Germany. Since 2006 eight to twelve parents with intellectual disabilities per year are supported in raising their children at home, assisted by educators in the areas of life skills, teaching, and childcare.
Mobile - Independent Living of Disabled People e.V., Accompanied Parenthood (Begleitete Elternschaft, BE), Germany -
A museum in an ancient citadel as a role model for accessible sights
The Tower of David Museum, an ancient citadel in Jerusalem, Israel, has developed a model that allows people with different disabilities to visit in an accessible, inclusive, and stress-free way. It now serves as a role model and is leading the Museum Accessibility Forum, reaching all museums in Israel.
Tower of David Museum, Accessibility and Inclusion Programme, Israel -
Nationwide platform for all disability-related information in a low-income country
In 2021, EnableMe Kenya launched an interactive online platform to support people with disabilities and their relatives who have no other access to relevant information. The portal provides information on more than 200 topics and had more than 70,000 visitors between 2021 and 2022.
EnableMe - Kenya, EnableMe Community platform, Kenya -
People with intellectual disabilities co-designing digital innovations
The co-design toolkit of Ireland’s Saint John of God Liffey Service (SJOG) enables people with intellectual disabilities to co-create mobile apps that support their daily lives. Launched in 2016, the co-design programme had 70 participants and more than 30 apps being developed by 2022.
Saint John of God Liffey Services, Co-Design Toolkit for Designing Inclusive Apps, Ireland -
Expanding a chain of coffee shops run by Deaf young people
I Love Coffee operates a chain of coffee shops and coffee roasters and is staffed by deaf youngsters. Employees receive training and support. I Love Coffee currently has ten locations in Cape Town and Johannesburg and employs 26 people, 80 per cent of whom are deaf, and has trained a total of 100 people.
I Love Coffee, I Love Coffee, South Africa
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