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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • A group picture with a doctor, a volunteer, an engineer, a person with disability and family members standing in front of a white flight of stairs.

                University organizing courses for multidisciplinary teams to build accessible homes

                The Mahasarakham University in Bangkok developed Home For Life, a three-day training workshop for civil servants, urban developers, and public health practitioners focused on creating accessible indoor and outdoor built environments, especially for persons with physical disabilities.
                MSU-DU - Mahasarakham University, Universal Design Center, Home For Life , Thailand

              • A group picture of people with different disabilities by the Machu Picchu site.

                Wheelchair-accessible tours in Amazonia, the Galapagos Islands and Machu Picchu

                SAFA offers tours to various South America destinations that are accessible by wheelchair users (including hotels, restaurants, availability of accessible transport, etc.). SAFA therefore developed a systematic approach to evaluating potential locations. In 2016 approximately 300 wheelchair users booked tours.
                South America For All, Ecuador

              • Many children are sitting on the carpets and writing on their labs in a blue class room.

                Providing Inclusive Education in camps for internally displaced persons (IDP)

                The project provides training for teachers, support for children and their families, and training for relief workers to identify disabilities and make their emergency services more inclusive. Since 2019, Light for the World has been working in partnership with relief agencies and NGOs in three camps in Southern Sudan.
                Light for the World Austria, IDP Programme, South Sudan

              • The graphic shows five slightly worn out books held together by a black headphone in front of a library shelf. On top of the 5 books is a smartphone facing us where the words "Tiflonexos" are written in black and blue letters.

                Network of users with visual disabilities creating and

                growing its digital library

                Tiflolibros is a digital library for visually impaired people in the Spanish-speaking world, launched by the NGO Asociación Tiflonexos in Argentina. Since its launch in 2001 until 2021, more than 65,000 accessible books have been made available free of charge.
                Tiflonexos Association, Biblioteca Tiflolibros, Argentina

              • Dr. Boda engaging with stakeholders at a meeting on accessibility and the election process.

                An Accessibility Implementation Plan for Provincial Elections

                The plan addresses four problematic areas that had been identified through focus groups and consultations: voting options, polling place accessibility, products and services at polling stations, voter information and public education. Solutions carried out include improved polling place accessibility or homebound voting.
                Elections Saskatchewan, Canada

              • A young boy sitting in his wheelchair in front of a screen on a white table. He ist playing  the eyeharp, a digital music instrument that can be controlled with eye or head movements.

                Eye and head-controlled digital musical instrument

                The EyeHarp Association, started in 2011 in Barcelona under the auspices of Pompeu Fabra University, has developed Eyeharp, a digital musical instrument controlled by eye and head movements. Musicians can play melodies by looking at the notes on the screen. EyeHarp has a ‘freemium’ business model, with a free basic version.
                EyeHarp, EyeHarp, Spain

              • Persons with intellectual disabilities working as university lecturers

                The Institut für Inklusive Bildung qualifies people with intellectual disabilities and provides them with job opportunities, mostly teaching about the specific requirements of people with intellectual disabilities. As "education specialists" ("Bildungsfachkraft") they teach in high schools, speak at conferences, and conduct workshops.
                Institute for Inclusive Education, Germany

              • In a decorated cafeteria students are studying with their tutor

                An inclusive post-secondary programme for students with intellectual disabilities

                This eight-semester programme allows students with intellectual disabilities to create and study a personalized curriculum. Students of teacher training assist them and take on the role of tutors. The programme supports the preparation of students for the labour market, while the teacher trainees receive credits towards their studies.
                Pedagogical College Salzburg, BLuE University Programme, Austria

              • A woman and a boy in the front surrounded by children in the background are holding their finger up and look to the left.

                Holistic support system from early childhood to vocational training

                "Learn for life" provides a range of support mechanisms for children with disabilities at all stages of schooling, from early childhood intervention to vocational training. Local disabled person’s organizations assume leadership of the programme and continue the work after its support is phased out.
                DRRA - Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association, Learn for Life, Bangladesh

              • Enable Client with refreshable Braille notetaker.

                Learn, try, and test assistive technology

                "Tech Able" lets visitors experience assistive technologies and encourages innovators, manufacturers, and marketers to collaborate. Tech Able also houses a communications lab for persons with disabilities. More than 800 people have benefitted from Tech Able between 2015 and 2018.
                SG Enable, "Tech Able“ Showroom, Singapore