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              Your search returned 883 Solutions

              • Training teachers to keep children with disabilities in school

                The specific target group of the project were 180 children in upper primary classes in 12 selected schools. 18 teachers (9 female/9 male) were qualified as master trainers in the inclusive child-to-child methodology. Furthermore, USDC advocates for Inclusive Education, seeking partnerships with likeminded organizations.
                Uganda Society for Disabled Children, Uganda

              • Transforming special schools into Support Centres

                The project advocated for the establishment of support centres or the transformation of special schools into support centres in 18 districts of three provinces in Vietnam. MCNV provided technical support for the centres to mandate the early detection, early intervention, and support for Inclusive Education for children with disabilities.
                Medical Committee Netherlands-Vietnam, Vietnam

              • Erwin volunteering in a school.

                An inclusive international volunteer programme

                WeltWegWeiser is a service centre for people with disabilities who are interested in volunteering abroad. The organisation does not offer its own assignments, but advises interested people on suitable volunteer jobs based on their skills, interests and disabilities. Financial support is available for assignments.
                Jugend eine Welt, WeltWegWeiser, Austria

              • Reserved elected seats for persons with disabilities

                Uganda’s Constitution rules that the State shall ensure fair representation of marginalized groups on all government bodies: the parliament as well as every village, parish, sub-county, and district council. As a result Uganda’s 47,000 representatives with disabilities are easily the largest group of politicians with disabilities in the world.
                NUDIPU - National Union of Disabled Persons of Uganda, CONSTITUTION, PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS STATUTE & LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ACT, Uganda

              • ACE members question political candidates to the Scottish Parliamentary Elections at accessible hustings.

                Empowering Individuals in their Right to Vote

                ENABLE Scotland and the UK Electoral Commission have jointly developed easy-read guides to support people with learning disabilities to vote, plus voting factsheets for family members and support workers. In addition, workshops and events are organised where people with learning disabilities meet their local politicians.
                ENABLE Scotland, #ENABLEtheVote, United Kingdom

              • NOUSPR takes delivery of a new sewing machine, which will enable this self-help group to start and run a small-scale tailoring business. Copyright: NOUSPR, Rwanda

                Empowerment through peer-to-peer support

                NOUSPR advocates and provides persons with psychosocial disabilities with a platform for a unified voice to enable them to access all necessary services and opportunities. In 2015 the program had some 1,200 members, 79 per cent of whom were persons who had themselves experienced mental health challenges.
                NOUSPR - National Organization of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry in Rwanda, Rwanda

              • Person with physical disability voting.

                Increasing Voter Accessibility in Paraguay

                Ahead of the 2015 municipal elections, USAID and Fundación Saraki reviewed the legal framework regarding accessibility in elections. Their recommendations led to new regulations, such as providing absentee ballots for the first time and making information about voting available in sign language and Braille.
                USAID - United States Agency for International Development, Bureau for Policy, Planning, and Learning, Paraguay

              • Individual Supported Living in Australia

                Beginning in 2008, the first two stages of this project have developed a descriptive framework of ISL and then operationalized that framework into a set of guidelines. The third stage of the project will explore how high quality ISL arrangements contribute to social and economic participation and relationships.
                Curtin University, School of Occupational Therapy and Social Work, Australia

              • A child on a wheelchair going swimming.

                Multiple tailored solutions offer physical and financial independence

                In the Alhassan Foundation more than 50 percent of the board members and 80 percent of the employees are wheelchair users. The Foundation aims for wheelchair users in Egypt to reach higher levels of inclusion and independance in all aspects of life, including education, employment, and sports.
                Alhassan Foundation, Egypt

              • Bringing organisations together to campaign for national disability legislation.

                Strategic engagement with government to push for national disability legislation

                Mphasis funded the NCPEDP with the purpose of advocating for a national disability policy. The programme carried out an intensive, multifaceted drive to bring together people with disabilities and government representatives. The effort resulted in the passage of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act in 2016.
                Mphasis, Ltd., India