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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • A picture of the advocacy table.

                Allowing for copyright exceptions to make books accessible for the blind

                The "Marrakesh Treaty" allows copyright exceptions to facilitate the creation of accessible versions of books and other copyrighted works for persons with visual impairments and print disabilities. It was adopted in 2013 by WIPO and entered into force in 2016. As of late 2017, 33 countries have ratified it.
                WBU - World Blind Union, Canada – WBU and World Intellectual Property Organization – Marrakesh Treaty, Canada

              • A hand holds a mobile phone showing a website of the E-learing plattfrom for intellectual disability awareness.

                Multilingual training platform for parents and guardians

                ELPIDA is a free, multilingual online course and was launched by a consortium of European organizations. Parents and guardians of people with intellectual disabilities learn the skills needed to better support their children.
                Parents International, ELPIDA (E‐Learning Platform for Intellectual Disability Awareness), Greece

              • A boy sits in the front row in a wheel chair, learning together with other children in the background in a classroom.

                Textbooks in electronic, audio and video formats for mainstream primary schools

                In 2013, UNICEF launched a project across Montenegro to produce DAISY-Textbooks and make them available in mainstream primary schools. DAISY-Textbooks have visual and audio options enabling children with disabilities to follow more easily and to study alongside their peers. In 2019, 70 schools were already involved.
                UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund, DAISY Textbooks, Montenegro

              • A young woman with dark hair sits at a desk in an office. She is talking to a man standing next to her.

                National Training Service making itself accessible and inclusive

                SENA is a public entity for work training and human develop and the only one in Colombia committed to guidelines for inclusion. SENA has counsellors in its 33 offices nationwide and provides 117 mobile training centres for remote regions. In 2019, 1,543 jobs for people with disabilities were placed.
                SENA - The National Training Service Colombia, The National Training Service (SENA), Colombia

              • A montage of 6 images on white background showing the  accessibility implementations of the Port Arthur Historic Site.

                Website collecting comprehensive facts about accessible travelling in a whole region

                Travel for All, a social business from Australia, launched the Travel For All Guide - a comprehensive travel guide for travellers with disabilities. The website provides vetted information that is co-created by its users, and offers a toolkit on accessibility issues for tourism suppliers.
                Travel For All, Travel For All, Australia

              • In a bright conferece room with a beamer and a screen in the background, a man in a wheelchair holds a microphone and speaks to a large attentive audience, sitting on chairs.

                Training civil servants in the Israeli legal system to provide more inclusive legal services

                The Accessible Legal Services for People with Disabilities program was launched by the Israeli Ministry of Justice and JDC-Israel Unlimited, together with operating partner Israel Elwyn to train lawyers and representatives from the legal system on how to improve their services for people with intellectual or mental disabilities.
                Israeli Ministry of Justice, Accessible Legal Services for Persons with Disabilities, Israel

              • An accessible mail pickup station is shown in this photograph. Two women are picking up parcels, one walking and one standing in front of a touch screen, while a service employee awaits them on the left.

                Accessible mail pick-up-stations for people with visual impairments

                Österreichische Post, Austria’s leading logistics and postal service provider, introduced an accessible pick-up service for blind customers in 2019 for items that cannot be delivered to their homes. In 2020 the service was extended to all 479 pick-up stations in the country.
                Austrian Post AG, Accessible pick-up-stations, Austria

              • A small boy is standing in the center of three differently colored see through glass ovals, that are part of an accessbile playground, with a large tree in the background.

                Design studio that produces playgrounds for all children and all senses

                Gudgudee is a product and space design studio based in Thane, India, that designs and builds inclusive playgrounds for children with disabilities while also providing a range of indoor and outdoor playground products. The concept includes play elements such as large drums but also maintenance of executed playgrounds.
                Gudgudee, Inclusive play areas for children, India

              • Accompanied by fellow hikers, two men and one women are pushing a single-wheel transport vehicle carrying a man with a physical disability up a sandy hiking trail.

                Model for accessible parks and nature spaces going international

                The Senderismo sin Limites programme was initiated by Fundacion Eres, an NGO from Chile, to ensure that hiking and natural areas can be used by people with disabilities. The programme includes training for tourism professionals, self-assessment tools, improvement plans, and single-wheeled transport vehicles.
                Fundación Eres, Senderismo sin Limites (Hiking Without Limits), Chile

              • An app for orientation in open and closed spaces

                Installed on a smart phone, Step-Ear enables users to find their way in public surroundings using Audio-signs and pre-placed Beacons. Users can call for help in an emergency and they can communicate with public transport personnel. As of 2018, Step-Hear has placed more than 3,500 Audio signs throughout Israel.
                Step-Hear, Israel