Training students to become leaders and innovators in accessibility and inclusion

Campus of Colours
Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği
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Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği (DADER), Turkey: Runs Campus of Colours, a programme for high school and university students to develop socially responsible leaders. From 2015 to 2023, involved students, 35% with disabilities, with projects winning awards.

The image shows a joyful group of nine individuals posing together for a photo. Two individuals are using wheelchairs, which signifies the inclusion of people with disabilities. The group is diverse in terms of gender and possibly cultural backgrounds, reflecting a spirit of equality and tolerance. Behind them, a banner with vibrant colors and the words "Renkli Kampus" suggests a context of community, possibly related to an educational or social initiative that promotes diversity and inclusion. The smiles and positive body language of the individuals convey a message of camaraderie and support for one another.
Campus of Colours trains students to become socially responsible leaders and entrepreneurs.

Solution details


“A volunteering programme fostering civil society culture, with diverse perspectives, is a great asset.” Barış Oktay, Campus of Colours graduate and a DADER volunteer

Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği (DADER), an NGO based in Istanbul, runs the nationwide Campus of Colours programme, which aims to raise socially responsible leaders among high school and university students, both with and without disabilities. Campus of Colours teaches various skills focused on diversity and inclusion. More than 400 participants took part between 2015 and 2023, of whom 35 per cent have a disability and 60 per cent are female. Projects of Campus of Colours graduates have won numerous awards.

Problems Targeted

Turkey’s young people with disabilities lack equal access to educational programmes for future leaders and entrepreneurs.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

Campus of Colours is a free educational programme run by Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği (DADER) – an NGO based in Turkey – to raise socially responsible leaders and social impact entrepreneurs among students with and without disabilities. The programme consists of about 20 modules focusing on social awareness, personal development, career preparation, social value creation, and leadership skills. Mentors and experts support the programme participants. There are similar programmes for young people in Turkey, but none of them include participants with disabilities and from other diverse backgrounds. Graduates form an alumni group and volunteer to mentor trainees, extended team members, and DADER board members. As of 2023 more than 100 DADER members and alumni were organized as Campus of Colours volunteers. The programme is currently active in 25 universities and 45 high schools and has worked with 30+ NGOs and 25 sponsor companies. A 2020 social impact analysis among alumni confirmed that 83 per cent engaged with the NGO space after graduating, and 55 per cent benefitted from the career support. Many accessibility and inclusion projects have been founded by graduates of Campus of Colours, for instance, BlindLook and Erisilebilir Her Sey (Accessible All Things).

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

Campus of Colours is funded through donations, corporate sponsorships, and fundraising events, with a network of graduates and volunteers supporting its work. The programme aims to expand from 13 cities in 2023 to at least 25 in the medium term. (Awardee 2024)



The image shows a joyful group of nine individuals posing together for a photo. Two individuals are using wheelchairs, which signifies the inclusion of people with disabilities. The group is diverse in terms of gender and possibly cultural backgrounds, reflecting a spirit of equality and tolerance. Behind them, a banner with vibrant colors and the words "Renkli Kampus" suggests a context of community, possibly related to an educational or social initiative that promotes diversity and inclusion. The smiles and positive body language of the individuals convey a message of camaraderie and support for one another. Campus of Colours trains students to become socially responsible leaders and entrepreneurs.
The image shows a joyful group of nine individuals posing together for a photo. Two individuals are using wheelchairs, which signifies the inclusion of people with disabilities. The group is diverse in terms of gender and possibly cultural backgrounds, reflecting a spirit of equality and tolerance. Behind them, a banner with vibrant colors and the words "Renkli Kampus" suggests a context of community, possibly related to an educational or social initiative that promotes diversity and inclusion. The smiles and positive body language of the individuals convey a message of camaraderie and support for one another. Campus of Colours trains students to become socially responsible leaders and entrepreneurs.


Life Story


“I connected with experienced business professionals who provided mentorship.”

I’m Mert, a 27-year-old visually impaired lawyer. I continued my education as an inclusive student after completing the fifth grade. I graduated from both middle school and high school with honours. I studied law at Istanbul University while simultaneously completing a Bachelor’s degree in sociology through distance education. After graduation I worked for about two years at one of the country’s renowned law firms. Following the required exams, I was appointed as a public attorney for the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. During my university years I became acquainted with the Campus of Colours programme through Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği (DADER). Here, I had the opportunity to meet peers from different disability groups, learn about major companies, listen to inspirational speakers, and engage in projects for the benefit of an NGO. Thanks to Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği, I connected with experienced business professionals who provided mentorship. I made many close friends through this programme, and I am still volunteering for Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği, where we continue to develop projects aimed at improving our community.”

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