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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • Two girls communicating using Solar Ear.

                Affordable Hearing Aids through Solar Technology

                Solar Ear manufactures low-cost, environmentally-friendly hearing aids and solar-rechargeable batteries. The company employs and trains people who are deaf to manufacture the hearing aids and to lead the replication of the technology. The company also runs a holistic hearing-loss detection and education programme.
                Solar Ear, Botswana

              • A happy child with physical disabilities thanks to Mobiloo A picture inside the mobile toilet.

                The first mobile bathroom for people with complex physical disabilities

                Mobiloo – a Northern Irish social enterprise active throughout Ireland and the United Kingdom – has created the first mobile bathroom for people with complex physical disabilities at outdoor events. In addition to a clean toilet, Mobiloo bathrooms provide changing tables, hoists, and adequate space for large wheelchairs and/or a personal assistant.
                AccessoLoo, Disability Pride Belfast & Vehicles for Change, United Kingdom

              • Ablethrive user surfing the website.

                Creating a Community of People with Paralysis

                AbleThrive has created a website that provides a wealth of information for people with paralysis and their families. Additionally, the organization host events and campaigns. From 2015 to 2018, AbleThrive has built a network of more than 240 partner organizations worldwide called AbleThrive allies to foster collaboration.
                Ablethrive, United States of America

              • An app reviewing the accessibility of locations by user’s “yes” and “no”

                Access Earth discovered that a simple yes or no answer provides much more clarity than an elaborate three-star rating. One of the main focuses of the website and the app is to create an element of ease in the rating process. This allows users to make a quick, yet valuable, rating of a venue with the option to add any comments.
                Access Earth, Ireland

              • Several children with visual impairments using the phone application on a trip.

                Audio descriptions-app making movies accessible for the blind

                My Dream Companion was developed by visually impaired YGA graduates and Turkcell, a mobile phone operator. The cost-free app provides audio descriptions of movies without requiring any other equipment or software. From 2015 to 2017 approximately 180,000 persons have benefitted from the app.
                YGA - Young Guru Academy, My Dream Companion, Turkey

              • A man sits at a desk with two computer screens in front of him. He is communicating in sign language. On the screen, a sign language interpreter is visible via a video link.

                Remote sign language interpretation and transcription for professional users

                Tadeo offers automatic instant transcription and video sign language on demand. The service is offered by subscription, and users are guaranteed immediate availability. As of 2020, Tadeo has over 100 employees providing services to nearly 400 private companies and public authorities throughout France.
                Delta Process - Tadeo, Tadeo, France

              • A grey haired man holds up a mobile phone and makes a gesture with his hands. In the background is a shop assistant watching the scene.

                Business service offering video-based live interpretation in sign and other languages

                Vi-Sor links users with interpreters for real-time conversations in different languages, including sign language, and can be accessed in several ways depending on the situation. As of 2020, Vi-Sor is active in more than 1,100 offices offering a range of services and has supported more than 50,000 conversations.
                Red Apis, Vi-Sor, Chile

              • A sucessful business model to train service providers in accessibility

                Access Israel has developed a business model for training service providers, which includes educating staff and providing them with know-how and practical skills regarding accessible services and solutions for their organizations. Between 2009 and 2017 more than 35,000 service providers have been trained.
                Access Israel, Israel

              • A young boy sits in front of the computer, while playing/testing a UNIVALI video game.

                Digital game design by children with and without intellectual disabilities

                Through the framework of the "I’ve made my game", children with and without disabilities are encouraged to create digital games together. This collaborative process allows children to be involved in intellectual and affective activities of negotiation, ideas development, results analysis, and interaction.
                Univali - University of Itajai Valley, Digital Game Design, Brazil

              • Two female and three male persons sit at a table in a radio studio, one of them wearing dark glasses. In front of each stands a microphone. In the foreground there are two screens that monitor the sound waves and the time.

                Government-sponsored radio station targeting blind and visually impaired listeners

                La Radio Incluyente is a radio station in Colombia with programmes targeted towards the blind and visually impaired. The government-financed station has 30,000 Spanish speaking listeners in almost 100 countries.
                INCI - National Institute for the Blind, INCIRadio La Radio Incluyente , Colombia