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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • A sample of an accessibility assessment of an object.

                Rating the accessibility of buildings using a well-known seal system

                BPASS carries out accessibility assessments of objects and public spaces based on a 300-question checklist for 11 different beneficiary groups. The actual state of the building or public space is visualised with a colour scheme and a rating. In addition to German, BPASS is also available other languages.
                EUKOBA - European Competence Centre for Accessibility, BPASS, Germany

              • Video teching political-related signs.

                Capturing and distributing critical election-related sign language

                With the "Electoral Sign Language Lexicon" IFES captures critical election-related sign language vocabulary. For explanation there are books, the Internet and an app. Train-the-trainer workshops are also available. Over 300 books have been distributed and the app has been downloaded more than 500 times.
                IFES - International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Electoral Sign Language Lexicon, Libya

              • A person with a physical disability who casted his vote in Burma.

                A step-by-step toolkit to monitor voter participation

                IFES developed a methodology whereby people with disabilities and their organizations are trained as official observers and use checklists to collect data on access to the electoral process. As of 2018, 13 countries had employed the IFES’s methodology, resulting in the formation of a free-to-download Election Access Observation Toolkit.
                IFES - International Foundation for Electoral Systems, Election Access Observation Toolkit, Indonesia

              • Volunteers helping the elderly carrying bags in the market every Friday.

                Providing Meaningful Volunteer Work for Students with Disabilities

                "Volunteering for a Change" arranges trainings and provides briefings on how to manage volunteers with disabilities. The partners develop relevant roles for youth with special needs so that volunteers can have meaningful placements. By 2018, Volunteering for a Change had trained some 200 students and 500 professionals.
                JDC Israel - Israel Unlimited, Volunteering for a Change, Israel

              • Individualized supports help adults with autism find jobs

                ACAP is a government-funded project offering a range of individualized services to support adults with autism to achieve their goals. Employment is an integral part of each plan. Starting in 2010 with just 37 participants, the programme has since grown to 180 by 2019, with 99 adults in employment.
                Keystone Human Services, KAS - Keystone Autism Services, KAS Adult Community Autism Project, United States of America

              • Two men and one woman smile during their break in the classroom.

                Postgraduate studies in disability law and policy

                The DLPP recruits students with and without disabilities from the United States and abroad, offering them the opportunity to specialize in the field of international and domestic disability law. DLPP students may also work as interns during the summer or full-time for a semester at disability law-related offices.
                Syracuse University, College of Law, Disability Law and Policy Program (DLPP), United States of America

              • The fully accessible art museum

                MoMA offers a variety of programmes and services to ensure the accessibility of the museum and its collection,including tours for visually impaired that provide the opportunity to touch and experience the art or programmes for visitors with dementia. Approximately 60,000 people made use of the offer from 2014 to 2016.
                MOMA - Museum of Modern Art, United States of America

              • A Sign Language App, Dictionary and Learning Tool

                The FingerTalk app for the first time digitized South African sign language dictionary and made it available for free. The app is designed as a self-learning tool and enables users to share SASL signs via social media and the messenger service WhatsApp. Until mid-2018, more than 4,000 users have downloaded the app.
                Wigital, FingerTalk, South Africa

              • An office setting, in which two women wearing transparent face masks, stand in front of a white and green wall with a lettering saying  "Inter. between people and environment" in dutch.

                NGO supporting the government with an accessible response to the pandemic

                The Belgian NGO Inter has developed measures to address the isolation of people with disabilities during the pandemic. These include guidelines for social distancing and accessibility of vaccination centres as well as the online platform Circuit Sortie, which brings together both people with and without disabilities for activities in small groups.
                Inter Vlaanderen, Fighting Isolation During the Pandemic, Belgium

              • Teacher sits in a circle with her students, while teaching them with low cost learning materials like colorful buttons.

                Empowering non-formal schools in slum areas

                The Action Foundation (TAF) is a youth-led NGO supporting children with physical disabilities and their families. In 2015, TAF launched the project targeting low-cost, non-formal schools in poor residential neighbourhoods. Since 2015, more than 1,600 children with and without disabilities have benefitted from the project.
                The Action Foundation Kenya, Promoting Early Childhood Care and Education, Kenya