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              Your search returned 692 Solutions

              • Two boys with blue headphones sit on chairs, while the rest of children are standing in a circle.

                A municipal-level pilot-project towards continuous schooling of children with autism

                In this pilot-project children with autism are accompanied from kindergarten onwards by trained teachers and by mentors who also assist parents with out-of-school issues. In school, special learning materials and mentors working with regular teachers are provided to facilitate the inclusion of children with autism.
                Vienna Board of Education, Children with autism pilot-project, Austria

              • This picture shows someone's hands holding a smartphone on which an app is identifying the banknote held in front of the camera.

                Mobile app that identifies banknotes from more than 100 currencies

                Cash Reader, developed by the start-up company Hayaku from the Czech Republic, is an app for smartphones that identifies banknote values for almost every currency globally. Users point their smartphone’s camera at the banknote and the app informs them of the value, either using speech or vibration patterns.
                Hayaku s.r.o., Cash Reader, Czech Republic

              • A young woman sitting in her electric wheelchair looks at the "Accessbile Zagreb service" app on her smartphone. She is waiting in front of a Zebra crossing in a residential area.

                A city collecting all the information about its accessibility for a smartphone app

                Accessible Zagreb is a web/app service of the City of Zagreb, Croatia, that provides detailed information about accessibility and the respective accessibility features of public facilities and streets, as well as real-time information about public transport. Accessible Zagreb is available in Croatian, English, and German.
                City of Zagreb, Office for Social Protection and Persons With Disabilties, Accessible Zagreb online service, Croatia

              • A man wearing a below-knee prosthetic. A boy wearing a below-knee prosthetic.

                Providing free adaptations and prosthetics for amputees and persons with mobility issues

                Jaipur Foot Organization provides free prosthetic devices and applications. In 1975, there were 59 prosthetic devices, today about 60,000 people annually receive specially designed prosthetic devices, wheelchairs etc. and even financial support. This is mainly in rural areas of India and in 27 other countries.
                Jaipur Foot Organization (BMVSS), BMVSS, India

              • A group of 11 people in front of a café serving counter. Two people at the front of the group are in wheelchairs, the rest are standing and all are smiling towards the camera and waving.

                Fast-growing café chain with a majority of employees with disabilities

                Since 2017, Mitti Café has been providing hospitality training and employment opportunities in accessible cafés established on the premises of educational institutions or private-sector companies. As of 2020 there are 12 Mitti Cafés, which are managed and staffed entirely by adults with disabilities.
                Mitti Cafe, MITTI Café, India

              • Three young girls smile into the camera while standing in front of a grey concrete wall interspersed with fine cracks. The girl on the left is sitting in a wheelchair while the girl on the far right has her arm stabilized in a sling.

                Creating accessible water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities for disadvantaged groups

                WASH, an accessible water, sanitation and hygiene programme, has been implemented by World Vision in Iraq since 2016 with two local DPO partners. These identify needs, plan and manage construction and reconstruction work, and carry out information activities for the population.
                World Vision, Accessible WASH for an Accessible Society, Iraq

              • A young man is standing in a costumized position surrounded by many large pieces of purple polystyrene and foam. He is wearing protective glasses and sawing one of the pieces.

                Consultancy developing and implementing quality standards in Customized Employment

                Since 2000, Griffin-Hammis Associates has been a leading expert in individual employment training and technical assistance and a pioneer in the creation of micro-enterprises for people with disabilities. GHA has worked in over 40 states in the United States and has supported projects in Australia, Canada, and Spain.
                GHA - Griffin Hammis Associates, Customized Employment in the United States, United States of America

              • A person in a white polo shirt is talking to a customer. He is a deaf pharmacist who works at Marien Apotheke. In the background is a variety of pharma products on shelves.

                Pharmacy specialized in employment and services for deaf people

                Since taking on the first deaf apprentice in 2008, the Vienna-based pharmacy has now trained two and employed a third deaf pharmacist. In addition, sign language courses were offered for hearing staff. For customers, the pharmacy offers barrier-free health information, including videos in sign language.
                Marien Pharmacy, Training and counselling for deaf people, Austria

              • The picture shows a blue plastic information board, that explains essential terms of medical emergency situations with the help of little images, symbols and easy language.

                An online toolbox of symbols enabling communication for all, without the use of language

                Global Symbols, an NGO from the United Kingdom, provides graphic symbols for assistive and alternative forms of communication as well as online tools for their use, but also for creating your own symbols. The offer is free and open source. In 2021 more than 5,000 people used Global Symbols, and a training programme was developed with UNICEF.
                Global Symbols CIC, Global Symbols CIC, United Kingdom

              • A man who appears to have cerebral palsy tries to press a button with his index finger and a computer monitor and keyboard in front of him. A white tarpaulin beside him is printed with the text "20 Outubro Dia Nacional Paralisia Cerebral".

                Independent and secret voting for all

                The Federation of Portuguese Cerebral Palsy Associations (FAPPC), together with IBM and Softinsa, has developed a voting system that uses different input devices to enable independent and secret voting for everyone, including people with motor, sensory, and intellectual disabilities.
                FAPPC - Portuguese Federation of Associations for Cerebral Palsy, Accessible Vote System, Portugal