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              Your search returned 405 Solutions

              • Employment in the open labour market for persons with Down syndrome

                The Down Syndrome Association is a charity organization dedicated to change the public perception of persons with Down syndrome and to create an equal opportunity atmosphere. From 2014 to 2016, the Job Coaching Supported Employment programme provided employment opportunities for 30 persons with Down syndrome.
                Down Syndrome Association, Job Coaching Supported Employment programme, Turkey

              • Two men use technical support by Exper, enjoying themselves and being guided by a man.

                People with intellectual disabilities train peers to use digital media and ICT

                PIKSL Mobil is a peer-to-peer teaching approach. People with intellectual disabilities are trained in the use of digital technology and in training other people. Equipped with technical equipment, these trainers then teach other persons with disabilities and seniors living in residential facilities to use digital media independently.
                PIKSL - Living in the community gGmbH, PIKSL Mobil, Germany

              • This image depicts a person in a garden center watering plants. The individual is using a walker, which indicates they may have mobility challenges, yet they are actively engaged in the task of gardening. They are dressed casually in a pink and purple plaid shirt and jeans, and they appear focused on their work. In the background, another person can be seen walking among the rows of plants. The setting is outdoors, and the garden center is filled with a variety of potted plants and gardening supplies. This scene promotes the theme of inclusivity, showing that gardening is an activity accessible to individuals with different abilities.

                Youth House: Empowering vulnerable young people with disabilities not in education, employment, or training(NEET)

                Salva Vita Foundation, Hungary: Empowers NEET youth through activities like animal-assisted therapy and job coaching. From 2018 to 2022, supported over 140 participants, with around 70 finding employment. Salva Vita Foundation, Youth House,

              • A male and female trainer are at the front of a classroom, which has individual computers on each desk. Five participants sit at the computers, watching the trainers.

                Training people with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities for ICT jobs

                TAP was designed for people with mental, emotional, or cognitive disabilities. It includes technological education, training of soft skills, and the placement of people as qualified IT specialists. Since its launch in 2011, TAP has trained more than 150 adults, 74 per cent of whom were successfully placed.
                itworks, Technology Accessibility Program (TAP), Israel

              • A young woman sits at a computer with her hands on the keyboard. Her head is turned slightly to smile at the camera.

                Technology centres offering accessible training in digital skills and career support

                The programme offers free and accessible online and in-person training in life, technical, and digital skills, partnering locally with potential employers and mentors. POETA DigiSpark has trained more than 4,000 people since starting in 2013, and has registered 200,000 visits to its seven technology centres.
                Trust for the Americas, POETA DigiSpark, Argentina

              • Two female and three male persons sit at a table in a radio studio, one of them wearing dark glasses. In front of each stands a microphone. In the foreground there are two screens that monitor the sound waves and the time.

                Government-sponsored radio station targeting blind and visually impaired listeners

                La Radio Incluyente is a radio station in Colombia with programmes targeted towards the blind and visually impaired. The government-financed station has 30,000 Spanish speaking listeners in almost 100 countries.
                INCI - National Institute for the Blind, INCIRadio La Radio Incluyente , Colombia

              • In a conference room, a diverse group of people, including a woman using a wheelchair and others from various backgrounds, are engaged in a discussion. A woman speaks passionately into a microphone held by a man seated beside her. The room exudes a collaborative and respectful environment focused on accessibility and empowerment. This scene emphasizes the values of equality, justice, and inclusion, highlighting the importance of amplifying voices within the disability community.

                A government-run inclusive employment ICT-platform used by several countries

                Bangladesh's NISE project facilitated 2,000 employments for persons with disabilities by 2024. It offers career guidance, skill development, and job fairs through its inclusive ICT platform backed by UNDP.
                a2i - Aspire To Innovate, National Intelligence for Skills, Education, Employment, and Entrepreneurship, Bangladesh

              • Many women and men are sitting in rows, looking at a podium; in the background are promotional stands.

                Comprehensive job-creation model from East Europe expanding internationally

                The self-funded programme assists people with disabilities to acquire soft skills and professional abilities. Jamba also works with employers and operates a job matching platform. Launched in 2017, by 2020 Jamba has trained more than 590 people, has 58 partner organizations, and has more than 2,000 candidates in its database.
                JAMBA - Career for All, JAMBA - Career For All, Bulgaria

              • Man with head phones sits in front of microphone, recording for an online radio program.

                A three-year vocational training programme for students with intellectual disabilities

                The "Diploma in Working Skills" is a three-year programme for people with learning difficulties to develop employment skills. Both professional and social competences are taught during the training. The programme takes place on the university campus and students have access to all extracurricular activities on site.
                Andres Bello University, Socio-labour training programme in a university setting , Chile

              • Support programme for young people leaving school

                WALK PEER is a five-year model. In the first two years, young people while they are still at school are guided and trained on topics such as employability, entrepreneurship and transition. Transition is the main topic for years three and four. In the final year, the focus is entirely on a good start of their professional life.
                WALK - Inclusive Employment Services, WALK Peer programme, Ireland