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              Your search returned 405 Solutions

              • A group of 6 young male students dressed in white thobes sit in a classroom and test out braille notetakers positioned on a brown table in front of them while a teacher is standing beside.

                Comprehensive programme to make a university accessible for all students

                The Higher Education for All programme was introduced in 2014 at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to provide equal access to higher education for people with disabilities. Measures include adaptations to the built environment, curriculums, books, and the admissions process. In 2020 the University had 1,078 students with disabilities.
                King Abdulaziz University, Higher Education for All , Saudi Arabia

              • Vic, a project participant in a wheel chair graduats, while people in ropes are standing around him and smiling.

                Disability inclusive workforce development for all students in higher education

                In 2012, the University of Cape Town (UCT) launched a study programme on disability for students with and without disabilities at postgraduate, master and doctoral level. The curriculum focuses on promoting inclusive practices in education, health and social context. In 2019 there were more than 100 students in the programme.
                University of Cape Town, inclusion for Social Justice (ISJ), South Africa

              • Empowering school girls with disabilities

                P2F is a short-term vocational education programme for girls with disabilities aged 14 to 21 years old. Girls participate in an 18-week class in their high schools designed to teach vocational skills. The curriculum covers four broad areas: self-determination, disability knowledge, gender awareness, and career and college readiness.
                University of Oregon, Paths 2 the Future , United States of America

              • The photo shows a young girl in a pink dress, standing in front of an easel and speaking into a microphone. The easel displays a colorful drawing that appears to be created by a child, featuring a yellow building, greenery, and figures that could represent people. In the background, there are additional easels with artwork, suggesting this may be an art exhibition or school event. The setting promotes creativity and expression, and the girl's participation indicates a supportive environment fostering confidence and public speaking at a young age.

                Making mainstream schools more inclusive by applying an easy-to-share teacher-training module

                Research Centre for Inclusion (RCI), Vietnam: Developed a low-cost inclusive education training module in rural regions. From 2020 to 2023, trained 120 teachers, taught 274 children with disabilities, and involved 269 parents.
                Research Centre for Inclusion (RCI), Ensuring quality and friendly disability education for children with special needs, Vietnam

              • Children in school uniforms walk outside, grapping each other by the shoulders to be leaded back to the classroom.

                Converting special schools into Inclusive Education centres

                In 2018 CBM, in partnership with the Jairos Jiri Association, began converting three special schools into Inclusive Education centres. Each centre has a specific focus and serves also as an education platform on inclusion for local governments, companies, and schools while working closely with the community.
                CBM - Christoffel Blind Mission International, Inclusive Educational Centres in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe

              • Two men undertake a job placement with technical devices.

                Full-range services in Inclusive Education and job readiness

                PRIDE is a modular programme for people with disabilities covering the areas of training (from the age of 4), vocational preparation and job placement. Participants in the PRIDE program can either attend the Manzil Educational Center on a full-time basis or complete individual programs on a part-time basis
                Manzil Center, People Receiving Independence & Dignity through Empowerment (PRIDE), United Arab Emirates

              • Three girls, Lara in the front and her twin sister and another girl in the back, are playing with pink ribbon.

                Universal design-based practices for public early childhood education

                The project promotes the use of accessible and inclusive teaching methods in public pre-school education based on the principles of Universal Design. Educators and families experience its theory and methods in the form of trainings and workshops, teachers also receive practical support in the classroom.
                Mais Diferencas - Inclusive Education and Culture, Projeto Brincar, Brazil

              • The photo shows three young children engaged in a playful activity on the floor. They are surrounded by colorful educational toys, such as puzzle pieces and blocks with numbers and letters on them, suggesting a learning environment. The children appear to be Asian and are dressed in casual, comfortable clothing. One child is focused on placing a puzzle piece, another is holding a toy, and the third is reaching out to a piece, indicating cooperation and shared playtime. The setting promotes themes of learning, equality, and the importance of nurturing environments for children's development.

                A tactile inclusive play kit supporting the development of all children

                Reach & Match, Australia: Provides an inclusive play-based learning program with sensory mats and Braille/print alphabet tiles. Used by 35,000 children in eight countries since 2024, winning awards and partnering with organizations like World Vision and UNICEF.
                Reach & Match Inclusive Education, Reach & Match inclusive education programme, Australia

              • This is an image of a classroom scene with several young African students. In the foreground, a focused student is using a Braille device to read or write, indicating an inclusive educational setting that accommodates visual impairments. The other students in the background appear attentive and engaged. The classroom environment suggests a commitment to providing education and support to all children, regardless of their abilities, promoting themes of equality and assistance.

                Access to inclusive education for the equitable employment of

                youth with visual impairments

                Kilimanjaro Blind Trust Africa (KBTA): Provides assistive devices and digital curriculum content for users of digital Braille. Between 2018 and 2023, equipped 3,000 learners in six countries with assistive technologies.
                Kilimanjaro Blind Trust, From inclusive education to employment for children and youth with visual impairments in Africa, Kenya

              • Many children are sitting on the carpets and writing on their labs in a blue class room.

                Providing Inclusive Education in camps for internally displaced persons (IDP)

                The project provides training for teachers, support for children and their families, and training for relief workers to identify disabilities and make their emergency services more inclusive. Since 2019, Light for the World has been working in partnership with relief agencies and NGOs in three camps in Southern Sudan.
                Light for the World Austria, IDP Programme, South Sudan