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Persons with intellectual disabilities working as university lecturers
The Institut für Inklusive Bildung qualifies people with intellectual disabilities and provides them with job opportunities, mostly teaching about the specific requirements of people with intellectual disabilities. As "education specialists" ("Bildungsfachkraft") they teach in high schools, speak at conferences, and conduct workshops.
Institute for Inclusive Education, Germany -
A rights-based approach for young people to have a place in mainstream classrooms
The Inclusive Education Policy, implemented in 2018, is designed to ensure that all children and young people in Queensland attend their local state school. Each institution is allocated appropriate resources and funding. Individual support during implementation is provided by regional inclusion coaches.
Queensland Department of Education, Inclusive Education Policy, Australia -
A university training and employing students with intellectual disability as education professionals
Inklusive Bildung Sachsen-Anhalt trains people with disabilities as educators. Since 2018, 5 educators were employed and 4 new trainees began in 2024, delivering inclusive education across Saxony-Anhalt.
University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, Competence Center for Inclusive Education Saxony-Anhalt, Bildungsfachkräfte (Education Professionals), Germany -
Inclusive Teacher-Training Centres
ADPP, a Mozambican NGO, and Light for the World are working together to transform rural teacher-training centres (TTC) into centres of expertise on Inclusive Education. ADPP acts as the implementing partner, while Light for the World provides most of the funding as well as the Inclusive Education expertise.
ADPP - Aid for the Development of People for People Mozambique, Teacher Training Centres, Mozambique -
Ensure inclusive early childhood care and education in refugee camps and emergencies
CBM and Waldorf Kakuma Project, Kenya: Runs an inclusive education project in Turkana County for children with disabilities. Provides learning materials and teacher training. From 2021 to 2023, supported close to 2,000 children.
CBM - Christoffel Blind Mission Kenya, CBM Turkana Inclusive Education Project, Kenya -
A school offering free high-quality bilingual education for deaf children
Instituto de la Sordera (Indesor), Chile: NGO providing free education to deaf students, including vocational, primary, and secondary levels. Since 2020, educated about 100 students annually and pioneered 'reverse inclusion' for hearing children.
Instituto de la Sordera - Colegio Intercultural Bilingüe Dr. Jorge Otte G., Bilingual Intercultural Education Project (PEIB), Chile -
Empowering inclusive education with ICT integration
ADISA and CBM's Inclusive Education Programme, Guatemala: Promotes inclusive education through Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Between 2022 and 2023, trained 500 teachers and 400 parents, benefiting 800 children in ten schools.
ADISA - Association of Parents and Friends of People with Disabilities, Promoting inclusive education in Guatemala through the development of a Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Guatemala -
A training course for teachers on how to use the arts to make their education practices inclusive
Mais Diferenças' Inclusive Education Laboratory, Brazil: Specializes in inclusive art-based teaching methods for public school educators in São Paulo. From 2019 to 2023, trained 300 educators from 233 schools across five editions.
Mais Diferencas - Inclusive Education and Culture, Inclusive Education Laboratory, Brazil -
Crisis-resilient education for children with disabilities in Palestine
Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children (ASDC), Palestine: Implements an EU-funded project for education during crises. From 2018 to 2023, supported over 800 children with disabilities in schools and trained 400 teachers and officials.
Atfaluna Society for Deaf Children, Developing an inclusive education environment for children with and without disabilities in the Gaza Strip, Palestine -
Inclusive Education policy in Namibia
The policy defines eight guiding principles for inclusive education. Amon them are awareness raising, financial support or training for teachers and support staff as well as a curricular review to reflect the diversity of needs of all learners and a mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the policy.
Namibian Ministry of Arts, Education and Culture, Sector Policy on Inclusive Education, Namibia
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