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              Your search returned 403 Solutions

              • A young woman working on a project in a technical training institution.

                Making training centres accessible

                With the advice of Light for the World, Young Africa Mozambique has adapted their already existing training schedules by reducing the barriers to enable young people with disabilities to study with their peers. Two new accessible hostels were constructed to accommodate 128 young people, one existing hostel was renovated.
                Young Africa, Mozambique

              • A young woman is sitting in a colorfully decorated radio studio with a laptop on a desk in front of her. She is speaking into a black microphone.

                Mobile phone-based information service for disability-related topics

                Minch was launched in 2021 by the Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development. The interactive voice-response phone platform provides toll-free audio information or text messages on disability-related topics in the Ethiopian national language. Minch works via cell phone and without the need for an Internet connection.
                ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development, Minch, Ethiopia

              • Making African universities and other learning institutes more disability-inclusive with a free web-based toolbox

                Light for the World, Austria: Its CapAble platform provides tools and resources for disability inclusion in higher education. Gained over 30,000 users and 240,000 page views between 2021 and 2023.
                Light for the World Austria, CapAble, Uganda

              • Large-scale, all-encompassing training and transition programme

                The programme aims to improve the economic and social integration of young people with disabilities in Armenia. To this end, various activities are carried out. These include vocational training through inclusive courses, which have been created in vocational training centres throughout the country.
                Bridge of Hope, Programme “Right to Earn a Living”, Armenia

              • Multi-method approach to improving university accessibility for blind students

                In 2018, King Abdulaziz University (KAU) launched a project to make its facilities accessible to students with disabilities. Focusing on students with visual impairments, the university installed tactile pathways and Bluetooth beacons, converted textbooks to digital formats and launched a barrier-free test centre.
                King Abdulaziz University, Inclusion Programme, Saudi Arabia

              • Two women are in a kitchen in a pizzeria. One woman holds a spoon and is spooning ingredients from a bowl onto a pizza base while the other woman observes her.

                National state-run training and job-placement programme for people with disabilities

                The Format for Work, Disability Line programme offers people with disabilities theoretical and practical vocational training and then placement in dependent employment. The programme was launched in 2014. Between 2015 and by 2020 there were a total of 9,929 users, of whom 7,995 completed their training.
                SCENE Chile - National Training and Employment Service, Training for Work, Chile

              • A girl uses the Livox platform on a tablet, which is hold by a woman.

                Alternative communication platform for people with learning difficulties

                The Livox app enables users with speaking or learning difficulties to communicate using virtual cards with pictures or illustrated short phrases. The app can be operated noth by blinking and by speech. The app is self-learning and also features a content creator to add communication cards with videos, pictures and music.
                Livox, Livox, Brazil

              • A woman with one hand on the keyboard of her laptop and the other on the trackpad. The screen of the laptop displays Jobsability portal showing the chat support, profile completion and other features.

                An online accessible skills-driven job platform

                Jobs Ability’, launched in 2018, is a development of the US non-profit Our Ability, in cooperation with Syracuse University and Microsoft. The Artificial Intelligence-driven job matching service uses algorithms that focus on the skills and abilities of persons with disabilities, rather than on what they do not have.
                Our Ability - Access to Opportunity, Jobs Ability, United States of America

              • This image depicts how Beeline Reader makes written digital content more accessbile using eye guiding color gradients flowing from the end of one line to the beginning of the next.

                Colour schemes that make texts on screens easier to read

                BeeLine Reader, a free web-browser extension developed in the United States, makes texts more readable on a screen, with each line starting with one colour and slowly changing to a second colour. The following line then starts with the same colour. This continuity supports visual tracking.
                BeeLine Reader, BeeLine Reader, United States of America

              • Fingers of a child are touching a Braitico keyboard.

                A tool to teach blind children how to read and write by using Braille

                Braitico teaches children the use of Braille in a fun and simple way. Therefore it uses an accessible app along with a combination of learning tools, such as stories and games. The programme uses a step-by-step approach right from infancy up to 12 years. Between 2017 and 2019, 106 children have used Braitico.
                ONCE Foundation, Braitico (Braille learning tool), Spain