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              Your search returned 403 Solutions

              • A woman standing with the help of crutches in her left arm holding a microphone. Behind her are a woman of small stature and another woman holding together a cartolina with ideas written.

                Political leadership courses for young people with disabilities

                ENGAGE (Engaging a New Generation for Accessible Governance and Elections) is a political leadership training course for young people with disabilities. The programme was developed in 2018 by the US-based International Foundation for Electoral Systems and implemented by local partners in six countries through 2022.
                IFES - International Foundation for Electoral Systems, ENGAGE, United States of America

              • 28-week employment training programme

                LetsCo! organizes long-term trainings (one day every two weeks for 28 weeks), including traineeships in regular working environments such as for-profit companies (as co-workers), in kindergartens, and in elderly care centres. As a result, participants develop professional skills and discover their talents, and areas in need of improvement.
                Konekt vzw, Belgium

              • Municipality Council running a four-step job integration model

                Users undergo an assessment before being trained in obtaining a job. Support then continues during the start of the job, making reasonable adjustments, and continues with a follow-up evaluation and contact throughout the work experience. Since its launch in 2013, 356 people with disabilities have participated and 118 have found employment.
                Municipality of Providencia, Providencia Labour Inclusion Programme, Chile

              • The image shows a joyful group of nine individuals posing together for a photo. Two individuals are using wheelchairs, which signifies the inclusion of people with disabilities. The group is diverse in terms of gender and possibly cultural backgrounds, reflecting a spirit of equality and tolerance. Behind them, a banner with vibrant colors and the words "Renkli Kampus" suggests a context of community, possibly related to an educational or social initiative that promotes diversity and inclusion. The smiles and positive body language of the individuals convey a message of camaraderie and support for one another.

                Training students to become leaders and innovators in accessibility and inclusion

                Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği (DADER), Turkey: Runs Campus of Colours, a programme for high school and university students to develop socially responsible leaders. From 2015 to 2023, involved students, 35% with disabilities, with projects winning awards.
                Değiştiren Adımlar Derneği, Campus of Colours, Turkey

              • A nine-year-old boy with low vision wears earplugs, while benting over his pad and watching the screen.

                Early-learning technology for children who are blind or visually impaired

                Ballyland is a range of gamified educational software programmes and apps. These support children who are blind or visually impaired to acquire foundational technology skills that enable them to use computers and mobile devices and to practice orientation, spatial awareness, memory, and listening comprehension.
                Sonokids Australia, Ballyland educational apps , Australia

              • A grassroots initiative growing into a large-scale integration agency for inclusion in the open labour market

                Access, a DPO in Germany, bridges education and employment for people with disabilities. By 2024, it supported 350 job seekers yearly, leveraging a network of 1,500 employers and 70 staff.
                Access - Inclusion in working life, Access – Inklusion im Arbeitsleben, Germany

              • A comprehensive training and transition model involving hundreds of partnerships

                The Centre for Disability in Development (CDD), a non-profit organization in Bangladesh supported by CBM Australia, is helping a large number of people with disabilities to get employment, work, and vocational training. CDD works in partnership with a network of over 350 organizations both nationally and internationally.
                CDD - Centre for Disability and Development, Bangladesh

              • Government research institute promoting sign language in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

                Indian Sign Language Enabled Virtual Laboratory by CSIR, India: Enhances STEM learning accessibility for the deaf with comics, games and simulations. Around 250 content videos and 100+ vocabulary videos were added in 2022 alone.
                CSIR Institute of Microbial Technology, Indian Sign Language Enabled Virtual Laboratory (ISLEVL), India

              • A mobile phone screen showing assistALL app page. The top center of the screen has assistALL logo and on the top left is a three-line icon. Below that are the icons interpreters, wallet, profile, help, calls, transactions

                Sign language translation app for accessing services and businesses

                Signs Media Kenya is dedicated to education, information, and entertainment in sign language. The social enterprise operates a news channel and has developed ‘2022 assistAll – an app that provides on-demand, 24/7 interpretation services and is available in English as well as Saheli.
                Signs Media Kenya Limited, assistALL, Kenya

              • The image shows a group of individuals, likely young students, with their hands joined together in the center of a circle, symbolizing unity and teamwork. They are wearing jerseys with a logo that includes "Team 6301" and "Colombia," suggesting they may be part of a team from Colombia. The variety of skin tones and the cooperative spirit reflect themes of diversity, equality, and solidarity. The act of joining hands is a universal gesture of commitment and support, embodying the values of assistance and justice within a community or team setting.

                LEGO® robotics workshops improve team work and self-confidence of children with disabilities

                Fundación Biosbot Robótica, Colombia: Focuses on inclusive education for children with Asperger’s, autism, and bullying victims using LEGO Robotics Kits. Since 2019, assisted over 150 children and 300 families, participating in national and international competitions.
                Biosbot Robotica Foundation, Team Biosbot, Colombia