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              Your search returned 405 Solutions

              • Two women stand in a catering kitchen, laughing and smiling. Full cups of grapes are arranged on a tray in front of them.

                Government-led training and hiring services for people with intellectual disabilities

                The initiative provides a higher learning programme, a specialized industry-based training, and lifelong adult learning opportunities for people with developmental and/or intellectual disabilities. Over 200 people participate across 19 programmes each year. Graduates have an 84 per cent employment rate.
                University of Vermont, Center on Disability and Community Inclusion, State of Vermont Transition and Post-Secondary Education Initiative, United States of America

              • A full chain of support from primary school to employment


                LIFE is a programme for inclusive vocational education and employment for people with disabilities, starting as early as primary school and ending with job placement. 2012 it was introduced in Armenia. By 2016 approximately 900 persons were placed in training and 653 persons were employed through the programme.
                Save the Children Armenia, Livelihood Improvement through Fostered Employment (LIFE), Armenia

              • Three young girls in wheel chairs are ready to get pushed by three girls standing behind them at the start of a race.

                Supporting school enrolment of girls with disabilities

                STEP identified 220 girls with disabilities for school enrolment and provided 180 of them with assistive devices. The project was implemented with the support of parent-teacher councils and school representatives in two districts. STEP also trained 90 teachers in methods for teaching children with disabilities.
                STEP - Special Talent Exchange Program, Girl Enrollment Programme, Pakistan

              • This image captures a group of individuals, who appear to be African, engaged in a workshop or meeting. They are seated around tables covered with patterned tablecloths, suggesting a communal and collaborative environment. A man stands at the front, possibly facilitating the session, indicating a focus on learning or discussion. The participants have various expressions of engagement, some looking directly at the camera, others in conversation, and some focused on materials in front of them. The scene embodies themes of collective effort, education, and possibly empowerment, as the group seems to be actively participating in a constructive activity.

                Inclusive education programme for children with disabilities in sub-Saharan Africa

                Appui au Développement de l’Enfant en Détresse (ADED), Congo: Implemented the Tunafasi Programme in Uvira region for quality inclusive education. Raised school attendance from 5% to 68.5% between 2020 and 2023.
                ADED- Support for the Development of Children in Need, Tunafasi, Democratic Republic of Congo

              • The photo shows a person in a wheelchair being assisted onto a school bus equipped with a ramp, highlighting accessibility for individuals with disabilities. A man is seen operating the ramp, ensuring the safe boarding of the wheelchair user. The bus is brightly colored, and the setting appears to be outside a building with red brickwork. This image reflects a commitment to inclusivity and the importance of providing equal opportunities for mobility and education to all members of society.

                A provincial government creating large-scale enrolment of pupils with disabilities in cooperation with a foundation

                Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme, Nepal: A partnership between Koshi Province and Karuna Foundation Nepal since 2008. Constructed 35 accessible schools, enrolling 1,267 children with disabilities. By 2023, expanded DPRP model throughout Koshi Province, with Nepal's government piloting it in other provinces.
                Karuna Foundation Nepal, Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme (DPRP), Nepal

              •  Adults and children communicate in sign language to the teacher, who is outside the picture, during a in-service training for teachers in Debresina.

                Training teachers of mainstream schools in sign language

                The project focuses on training teachers in rural areas to include sign language in their lessons, along with providing educational materials and assistive devices to students with disabilities. Since 2003, in-service training has been provided for 2,000 teachers and more than 35,000 deaf or hard of hearing children have accessed education.
                ELF - Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, Felm, Social and Educational Programme for the Deaf, Ethiopia

              • Many children take a class outside a CBCC under a tree.

                A low-cost approach to early childhood development

                Sightsavers has developed a model of Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) based on existing services and cost-effective methods. Sightsavers works together with local community-based childhood centres, produces learning materials and provides specially adapted bicycles to transport the children.
                Sightsavers, Early Childhood Development in Malawi, Malawi

              • This image depicts a lively indoor scene, possibly within a school or community center. A diverse group of children and adults are gathered around a table with colorful bowling pins set upon it, suggesting a playful activity or game is taking place. The atmosphere appears joyful and inclusive, with many participants smiling, clapping, and raising their hands in excitement. The room is brightly lit and filled with various items that indicate a child-friendly environment. The presence of individuals with varying abilities, as some appear to be using wheelchairs, underscores a theme of inclusivity and community engagement where everyone is welcomed and encouraged to participate. The scene conveys a sense of unity, celebration, and the importance of providing accessible and enjoyable activities for all members of the community.

                Fast-growing, easy-to-replicate methodology to evaluate and improve inclusion in schools

                Perkins School for the Blind, U.S.: Supports global education for children with disabilities. Through the Model Program Approach, reached over 1 million children via 133 programs in 15 countries by June 2023.
                Perkins School for the Blind, Model Program Approach, Mexico

              • 6 women sit around a table, which is covered with documents, taking part in a class.

                A systematic approach to creating inclusive school environments

                "One school for All" is the first whole school approach to Inclusive Education in Bulgaria. The two-year programme offers schools a structured and systemic approach in four key areas: school leadership, teaching practices, partnership with parents, and child safety. In Bulgaria, the programme costs around € 5,200 for a school.
                Association for Shared Learning ELA, One School for All – a model for creating inclusive school environments, Bulgaria

              • Whole class of children with hearing impairments smile and pose for their class picture.

                Sign bilingual education from infancy to secondary school

                Deaf and hearing students study together in the same classroom, receiving sign language and oral instructions simultaneously. The courses are available in signed and spoken languages, using Hong Kong Sign Language, Cantonese, Mandarin, and English. In 2019, 124 deaf children enrolled in the programme.
                Chinese University of Hong Kong, Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies, Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education Programme, China