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              Your search returned 405 Solutions

              • U.S. experts providing direct consultation in Armenia

                Supporting DPOs in six countries to bring the UN CRPD to life

                Mobility International USA is an NGO led by people with disabilities. Its Global Disability RightsNow! (RN!) project partners disability organizations and legal experts in the US with disabled persons organisations (DPOs) in other countries in coordinating in-country plans to strengthen legislation and increase political participation.
                MIUSA - Mobility International USA, Global Disability RightsNow!, United States of America

              • One old men and a men in a wheel chair measure the floor outside a building, in order to improve its accessibilty and becoming trained RHFAC Professionals.

                Rating-based training of accessibility assessors

                The Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification (RHFAC) is a comprehensive rating system to measure meaningful accessibility in the built environment. The foundation also launched a training course for professionals in the construction industry to promote the principles of both the RHFAC and Universal Design.
                Rick Hansen Foundation, Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification, Canada

              • How to successfully apply for jobs in the public and private sector

                Participants go through an evaluation process, which is summarised in an employment profile. Afterwards, training is recommended to complement existing interests and skills. Job placement is carried out using a special job-matching software, which is also available through the Ministry of Labour and private partner companies.
                Saraki Foundation, Project “Effective Labour Inclusion”, Paraguay

              • Vocational training and meaningful jobs for persons who are blind or visually impaired

                The Nhat Hong Centre for the Blind and Visually Impaired trains its students so as to enable them to join the open labour force as well as the supported labour markets in Ho Chi Minh City. The programme creates a personalized career plan that is not only tailored to the job search, but also to personal interests and skills.
                Nhat Hong Center for The Blind and Visually Impaired, Career Training Programme, Vietnam

              • A woman under a tent looks to the right while putting on mascara.

                Volunteer-based distance learning platform for people with visual impairments

                Engelsiz Erisim Derneği has developed a online learning platform offering courses to people with visual impairments. Up to seven different classes are taught daily using TeamTalk, a free voice chat room. The courses are prepared and conducted by visually impaired instructors and are uploaded to the online platform.
                ABFA - Association of Barrier Free Access, Online Learning Platform, Turkey

              • A woman in a wheelchair sits at a sewing machine sewing a canvas tote bag. A large stack of finished totes is on the floor nearby.

                Training job coaches to support jobseekers with disabilities and employers


                Since 2018 the Accessible Employment project has been training people with and without disabilities in Cambodia as job coaches, who then support jobseekers while also working with employers. In 2019 there were ten trained job coaches, and 54 people with disabilities had gained employment.
                Light for the World Cambodia, Accessible Employment, Cambodia

              • Blind voter counts and selects political subject during mock election. Blind voter enters polling station.

                Tactile Ballot Guides for Blind Voters

                The tactile ballot guide has cut-out holes and lines along one side to indicate the sequence of candidates. The ballot paper is placed under the guide and an audio recording describes the parties and candidates that correspond to the holes. The guide can be used multiple times and does not require knowledge of the Braille font.
                Central Election Commission of Georgia, Georgia

              • A man and a woman stand next to each other in a workshop with shelves of metal pipes behind them. The woman is showing the man something on a piece of paper.

                DPO federation running a business sector-encouragement programme


                COCEMFE encourages and supports companies to include people with disabilities among their relevant stakeholders as suppliers, customers, and competent professionals, and therefore to go beyond inclusive recruitment and CSR. Since 2018, 161 such agreements have been signed with companies.
                COCEMFE - Spanish Confederation of People with Physical and Organic Disabilities, Making businesses Inclusive, Spain

              • Children learning a song with their parents.

                Bilingual Classes Supporting Families to Learn Sign Language Together

                Using a team of one person who is deaf and one who can hear, kinderhände offers bilingual classes in German and ÖGS to children aged six months to 14 years and their families. It also has an online platform for families to use at home, and has developed teacher-training modules to support ÖGS use in schools.
                kinderhaende e.V., Austria

              • A young girl and a man in I Love Coffee uniform lean against a counter; two coffee bags are next to them. They are smiling

                Expanding a chain of coffee shops run by Deaf young people


                I Love Coffee operates a chain of coffee shops and coffee roasters and is staffed by deaf youngsters. Employees receive training and support. I Love Coffee currently has ten locations in Cape Town and Johannesburg and employs 26 people, 80 per cent of whom are deaf, and has trained a total of 100 people.
                I Love Coffee, I Love Coffee, South Africa