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              Your search returned 405 Solutions

              • A man stands surrounded by plants. In his left hand he holds a basket full of vegetables, including zucchinis and eggplants. With his other hand he is plucking an eggplant from a plant.

                Training volunteers to teach entrepreneurship development

                Volunteers are selected by the community to act as a driving force and role model. They lead self-help groups that develop business plans for individuals and joint initiatives, both farm and non-farm. In 2020, 25,965 people in 599 villages received direct support, including 7,000 people with disabilities.
                Naman Seva Samiti, Ujjawal – Disability Inclusive Livelihood Initiative, India

              • A young boy sitting in his wheelchair in front of a screen on a white table. He ist playing  the eyeharp, a digital music instrument that can be controlled with eye or head movements.

                Eye and head-controlled digital musical instrument

                The EyeHarp Association, started in 2011 in Barcelona under the auspices of Pompeu Fabra University, has developed Eyeharp, a digital musical instrument controlled by eye and head movements. Musicians can play melodies by looking at the notes on the screen. EyeHarp has a ‘freemium’ business model, with a free basic version.
                EyeHarp, EyeHarp, Spain

              • Training and seed financing within local communities

                Persons with disabilities and their family members are provided with vocational training depending on their interests and skills. Successful graduates are then provided with seed capital on a loan basis so they can start their own businesses. The costs of the initiative are shared between the Karuna Foundation and the community
                Karuna Foundation, Project “Inspire2Care”, Nepal

              • This image shows a bright conference room filled with persons with and without disabilites. In the foreground there are two women, one in an electric wheelchair and one blind, talking to a female state official.

                Accessible Canada Act: first federal accessibility legislation in Canada

                ACA, the Accessible Canada Act, was passed in 2019 and aims to make Canada accessible by 2040. The ACA applies to all government departments, federally regulated agencies, and parts of the private sector, such as banking, telecommunications, and transportation.
                Canadian Department of Employment and Social Development, Accessible Canada Act (ACA), Canada

              • Persuading employers that inclusive employment can support their business case

                DRPI AWARE is a joint project between York University and disability organisations that work with employers to recognise the skills of disabled workers rather than focusing on their disabilities and limitations. Between 2013 and 2016, DRPI AWARE has successfully placed 163 people in employment in the open labour market.
                York University Canada, Disability Rights Promotion International - Asian Workplace approach that respects equality (DRPI AWARE), India