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              Your search returned 405 Solutions

              • Standards for physical accessibility

                Between 2009 and 2015 seven laws and decrees have been passed in support of persons with disabilities. Law 4.934/13, for example, mandates that all public and private spaces must be accessible to people with disabilities. The private sector is incentivised by fiscal benefits rather than obligations.
                Saraki Foundation, Paraguay – Saraki Foundation & USAID – Seven laws improving accessibility standards, Paraguay

              • A large group comprised of female and male members of the polish accessibility board, some with disabilities, stand  in a conference room in front of a white projector screen.

                Countrywide policy to improve accessibility on all levels, backed by a substantial budget

                Accessibility Plus 2018–2025, a programme of the Polish Ministry of Development Funds, pushes the issue of accessibility in Poland in different ways: through legal regulations, investment in the skills of key professional groups such as architects, and in the development of new assistive technologies based on Universal Design.
                Polish Ministry of Development Funds and Regional Policy, Programme Accessibility Plus, Poland

              • People sit in the audience or behind a desk in a circle, developing an app during a public workshop.

                Improving research and training on urban accessibility and Universal Design

                The project involves publishing research on Universal Design, improving the curricula and training of planners and surveyors undertaking university study, plus assessing cities on accessibility criteria. As of 2019, two studies and one paper have been published, and four university courses have been modified.
                University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Teaching Universal Design, Serbia

              • "Jovan works as a baker and lives in a shared apartment after years in an institutions.
Dragica preparing dinner in her shared apartment after years in an institution."

                Person centred assistance and accommodation in communal housing

                "Supported Living in the Community" places people with intellectual disabilities in shared apartments and supports them individually. Following a pilot between 2005 and 2008, the programme has since grown to a long-term project with 39 adults living in 12 apartments across the city of Novi Sad. Nine of them previously resided in institutions.
                School for Elementary and Secondary Education - Milan Petrovic, Serbia

              • A young girl appearing to have a physical disability seated in a specialized couch laughing with two African women.

                Digital-based support group for parents of children with disabilities

                The Parent Network is a community-based support group for parents of children with disabilities, accessible through a dedicated app but also in person through designated volunteers. Launched in 2020 by Shonaquip Social Enterprise from South Africa, it already had some 1,000 participants in 2022.
                Shonaquip Social Enterprise, Parent Network, South Africa

              • A free online ICT accessibility course, accessible by the blind and deaf

                The ICT Accessibility Open Online Course (MOOC) is a six-week, 100-hour course taught by accessibility experts. The self-paced format encourages interaction between students and instructors. The project was initiated in 2016 and by 2017 7,636 enrollments from 169 countries had been received.
                AMAC - Accessibility Solutions & Research Center, ICT Accessibility MOOC Education for All, United States of America

              • Participants making decisions in a study group.

                Study circles for persons with intellectual disabilities to engage in voting

                Small study circle groups learn from easy-read materials and DAISY-formatted audio texts that describe Swedish democracy and the voting process. A group leader assists by fielding questions to politicians and arranging discussions. For the 2018 election there were 109 study circles, totalling some 650 people in 80 municipalities.
                SV Study Association Vuxenskolan, My choice/My election, Sweden

              • A boy sits in the front row in a wheel chair, learning together with other children in the background in a classroom.

                Textbooks in electronic, audio and video formats for mainstream primary schools

                In 2013, UNICEF launched a project across Montenegro to produce DAISY-Textbooks and make them available in mainstream primary schools. DAISY-Textbooks have visual and audio options enabling children with disabilities to follow more easily and to study alongside their peers. In 2019, 70 schools were already involved.
                UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund, DAISY Textbooks, Montenegro

              • Blind students walk behind each other, while holding sticks during a emergency procedures training.

                Teaching students with disabilities to manage risks associated with natural disasters

                RET Americas has developed inclusive learning methodologies to integrate disaster risk reduction and management (DRR&M) as a topic in public schools, introducing curricula and exercises specifically for students with disabilities. Since 2015, more than 4,000 young people with disabilities have taken part in the project.
                RET International - Protection through Education, Inclusive school safety in Panama (disasters and natural hazards awareness), Panama

              • A young boy sits in front of the computer, while playing/testing a UNIVALI video game.

                Digital game design by children with and without intellectual disabilities

                Through the framework of the "I’ve made my game", children with and without disabilities are encouraged to create digital games together. This collaborative process allows children to be involved in intellectual and affective activities of negotiation, ideas development, results analysis, and interaction.
                Univali - University of Itajai Valley, Digital Game Design, Brazil