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              Your search returned 405 Solutions

              • A man stands in a small shop. Behind him are shelves with snacks and household products. He is smiling at a woman standing in the shop doorway who is communicating with him in sign language.

                Vocational training and seed capital to support entrepreneurs with deafblindness


                Sense International India provides vocational training and seed capital to adults with deaf/blindness, enabling them to launch a micro-enterprise. The NGO also trains vocational instructors. By 2020, 600 people have benefited; and since 2014, 130 people have received seed capital.
                Sense International India, Income Generation Activities for Persons with Deafblindness, India

              • Universal Accessibility Strategy for the whole of Dubai

                In 2017 the Government of the Emirate of Dubai has begun to implement the Dubai Universal Accessibility Strategy and Action Plan involving fifteen governmental and semi-governmental local entities. The aim is to create full accessibility to the built environment and public transportation by 2020, based on Universal Design principles.
                Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Government of the Emirate of Dubai – Universal Accessibility Strategic Plan 2017–2020, United Arab Emirates

              • With a big smile a young woman sits in a wheelchair  in front of a pinkish house facade decorated with a variety of pink flowers and plants. It's windows and door stand wide open.

                GIS-based mapping and improving of accessible water, sanitation , and hygiene (WASH) facilities

                ZWASH is conducting GIS-based mapping to assess the accessibility of toilet facilities in schools and health centres in Zambia. The data will be used by World Vision and government agencies to provide accessible toilets and WASH facilities where they are most needed. ZWASH will be rolled out in more than 40 other countries.
                World Vision, Zambia Water Sanitation and Hygiene (ZWASH), Zambia

              • Individualized supports help adults with autism find jobs

                ACAP is a government-funded project offering a range of individualized services to support adults with autism to achieve their goals. Employment is an integral part of each plan. Starting in 2010 with just 37 participants, the programme has since grown to 180 by 2019, with 99 adults in employment.
                Keystone Human Services, KAS - Keystone Autism Services, KAS Adult Community Autism Project, United States of America

              • A male middle-aged person standing in a field of green plants that reach his waist. He checks on one of the plants.

                Promoting self-employment in agriculture and aquaculture by training and microfinance

                DRRA’s ‘Jibika’ project supports people with disabilities in the rural districts of Sathkhira and Jhenaidah to run their own vegetable or crab farming businesses by providing training and microfinance. Between 2017 and mid-2020, 514 people with disabilities were involved in running their own businesses.
                DRRA - Disabled Rehabilitation and Research Association, JIBIKA, Bangladesh

              • A scene in a public square in Africa, with two men and one woman steady one women who is unconscious or has fallen. All have serene facial expressions, one of the man is talking intensily to a crowd of people observing and taking pictures.

                Forum theatre alleviates war trauma and creates an inclusive stage and art experience

                Northern Uganda Hip Hop Culture's forum theatre addresses the challenges faced by people with disabilities, such as land grabs, denial of rights, and divorce. It uses audience interaction to explore solutions together, and can be easily adapted to different types of issues.
                Northern Uganda Hip Hop Culture, The Forum Theatre, Uganda

              • Four women and one man sit at a table in a meeting room. Two of them have their backs to the camera. The man (left of the picture) is talking and the other people at the table are looking at him.

                Business disability network connecting students with disabilities to paid internships

                The programme matches students with employers based on location, degree, career goals, and skills. Companies commit to a minimum of 152 hours of paid work. Launched in 2005, by 2020 the Stepping Into programme is available across seven states and has facilitated 1,478 paid internships.
                Australian Disability Network, Stepping Into Internship Program, Australia

              • Beneficiaries of the More Capable Programme © SENCE

                Training and placing the vulnerable in Chile

                The programme supports financially particularly disadvantaged women, young people and people with disabilities on their way into the labour market through skills training, supported employment, and labour intermediation. In 2016, 5,235 people with disabilities were given the opportunity to receive training.
                Chilean National Training and Employment Service, More Capable Programme of 2014-2018
National Training and Employment Service (SENCE), Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Chile , Chile

              • In a modest sewing workshop, several women and one man are seated at tables with sewing machines, focusing on their work. The space promotes skill development and self-reliance, empowering individuals within their community. The image reflects dedication and inclusiveness in a supportive setting.

                Empowering young people affected by armed conflict with training and job opportunities

                SOPRODE in Congo trains conflict-affected youth in vocational skills. Between 2020-2024, 485 trained (186 with disabilities), 24 found jobs, and 76 started businesses in agriculture, tailoring, and more.
                Solidarity for the Protection of the Rights of the Child, SOPRODE ASBL, Empowering vulnerable young people through vocational training and employment opportunities, Congo

              • This image depicts an enormous accessible entertainment park with two huge towers and a silde, a long red bridge, a pirate boat and children playing in a sandpit with their parents.

                Major outdoor park developments based on Universal Design principles

                ACTServices Inc. is a US-based accessibility consulting firm. Since 2010, ACTServices has made two local parks accessible: Forest Glen Park (Illinois) and The Gathering Place (Oklahoma), considering especially children’s ability to experience the park and nature in general.
                ACT Services Inc., Universal Design in Outdoor Parks, United States of America