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              Your search returned 260 Solutions

              • Three persons do weekly grocery shopping by themselves.

                A Home, a Cafe and Employment to Promote Deinstitutionalization

                In 2016, the Psychoanalytic Association set up a training café to employ ten people with psychosocial disabilities who had previously lived in closed institutions. As of 2018, the supportive independent living (SIL) programme oversees six group homes, two cafés, and 20 employed beneficiaries, all of whom now live on their own.
                Psychoanalytic Association, SIL programme, Kazakhstan

              • The photo depicts two women in a professional office environment. One woman, wearing a headset and bright attire, is seated and using a computer, indicating she may be engaged in a customer service or support role. The other woman, standing beside her and wearing a gray blazer, smiles warmly as she looks at the screen, conveying collaboration and mentorship. The scene emphasizes inclusivity, mutual support, and workplace diversity, underscoring values of equality and tolerance. The environment is modern, with visible computers and large windows suggesting a productive, inclusive workspace.

                Easy-to-use, one-stop government service for the employment of persons with disabilities

                Australia’s JobAccess hub offers comprehensive disability employment support. By 2024, it aided 496,000 people through helplines, workplace adjustments, and employer engagement.
                Australian Government’s Department of Social Services, JobAccess, Australia

              • The image shows a diverse group of five individuals in a professional setting, likely a conference or office room. A woman stands at the head of the table, appearing to address or present to four colleagues who are either seated or standing attentively. The group includes individuals of different ethnic backgrounds and genders, promoting themes of equality and inclusion. The background features large windows with a view of a cityscape, suggesting a collaborative environment. The scene subtly emphasizes teamwork, open communication, and diversity in the workplace.

                A replicable inclusive internship model for the civic sector

                AHRC NYC’s PII program creates public-sector opportunities for individuals with disabilities. By 2024, 174 internships led to 45 hires across NYC, state, and federal agencies.
                AHRC New York City and the New York City Department of Social Services Office of Disability Affairs, The Partnership for Inclusive Internships, United States of America

              • There are five round tables in a conference room. Six people sit around each table with laptops and papers in front of them. A presentation is being projected on a screen at the front of the room.

                A cross-sector partnership promoting accessible technology in employment

                PEAT fosters cooperation among key technology leaders, stakeholders, and government agencies to make new technologies accessible. From 2013 to 2020 the website has had more than a half-million visits, and more than 200 companies use PEAT’s TechCheck benchmarking assessment.
                US Department of Labor, ODEP - Office of Disability Employment Policy, Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology (PEAT), United States of America

              • Municipality Council running a four-step job integration model

                Users undergo an assessment before being trained in obtaining a job. Support then continues during the start of the job, making reasonable adjustments, and continues with a follow-up evaluation and contact throughout the work experience. Since its launch in 2013, 356 people with disabilities have participated and 118 have found employment.
                Municipality of Providencia, Providencia Labour Inclusion Programme, Chile

              • Persuading employers that inclusive employment can support their business case

                DRPI AWARE is a joint project between York University and disability organisations that work with employers to recognise the skills of disabled workers rather than focusing on their disabilities and limitations. Between 2013 and 2016, DRPI AWARE has successfully placed 163 people in employment in the open labour market.
                York University Canada, Disability Rights Promotion International - Asian Workplace approach that respects equality (DRPI AWARE), India

              • A man stands next to a freezer in a supermarket aisle. He is smiling and unpacking frozen goods from a cardboard box to load the freezer.

                Employer-driven job creation for people with intellectual disabilities

                The KLAPjob project forms partnerships with various companies to identify and advertise jobs in the open labour market. People with intellectual disabilities are then helped to choose and apply for the most suitable job for them. Between 2014 and 2019, KLAPjob has successfully supported people into 3,684 jobs.
                Lev - Inclusion Denmark, KLAPjob , Denmark

              • A group of graduates in ropes are waving their hands and holding their graduation certificate up.

                Person-centred transition programme for students to post-school life


                The transition programme for students aged 18 to 25 includes vocational certificates and career-readiness credentials. A complementary person-centred support service offers mentoring and tutoring, career counselling, and self-advocacy training. VAST also offers employment and internship placement assistance.
                Houston Community College, VAST Academy, United States of America

              • A man wearing apron arranging small bowls inside a resturant kitchen with a two piles of plates beside him.

                Government-backed online job-portal for all people with disabilities

                MYFutureJobs is a job portal of the State Social Security Organization (SOCSO) in Malaysia for people with disabilities. Since 2020 employers who want to participate in government-funded projects have been required to register on the portal, and SOCSO has helped to find employment for 3,625 people as of 2022.
                Social Security Organization Malaysia, MYFutureJobs, Malaysia

              • A group of Indonesian men and women, some in wheelchairs, pose together in a public setting. Their smiles and hand gestures create an atmosphere of unity and mutual respect. The setting promotes social inclusion and acceptance, with each individual playing an integral role within the community.

                Professional integration of people with disabilities in the local garment industry

                FKDB in Central Java promotes inclusive employment in the garment sector. Its Kresna Patra program trained 500+ people by 2024, with 57 securing jobs in the industry or starting businesses.
                FKDB - Boyolali Disabled Communication Forum, Kresna Patra, Indonesia