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    Disabilites - Washington Group Criteria


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              Your search returned 288 Solutions

              • The study group poses for a photo, while some are sitting or standing in a park.

                Teaching reading and writing to adults with intellectual disabilities in institutions

                The Ed-Recovery Academy focuses on people with intellectual disabilities living in psychiatric institutions who do not have literacy skills and teaches them reading, grammar and mathematics. The teaching is done through an easy-to-read methodology and by incorporating life skills into the curriculum.
                Psychoanalytic Association, Ed-Recovery Academy, Kazakhstan

              • Common European Guidelines on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care copyright: European Expert Group on the Transition from Institutional to Community-based Care

                Diverting EU funds towards community-based care

                The European Expert Group was established to support the EU in promoting care reforms. It includes a wide range of stakeholders, providing training, guidance, and tools to political representatives and governments to inform them about the need of community-based care and the risks of institutional care for persons with disabilities.
                Lumos Foundation, United Kingdom

              • A city organizing weekly conversations in public spaces with citizens in sign language

                To support the dissemination of the Brazilian sign language Libras, the city of Curitiba created Conversation in Libras launched the Conversation in Libras programme, offering weekly face-to-face meetings in its public spaces that improve the interaction and communication in Libras, the Brazilian sign language.
                Curitiba City Hall, Conversation in Libras, Brazil

              • A young woman working on a project in a technical training institution.

                Making training centres accessible

                With the advice of Light for the World, Young Africa Mozambique has adapted their already existing training schedules by reducing the barriers to enable young people with disabilities to study with their peers. Two new accessible hostels were constructed to accommodate 128 young people, one existing hostel was renovated.
                Young Africa, Mozambique

              • Life Skills trainer demonstrating for a group of volunteers and Ms Sara Minkara how to use the white cane.

                Empowerment of youth with disabilities involving their families and communities

                ETI primarily focuses on young people with visual impairments, offering life-skills training in group and one-to-one settings, parent workshops, and other community activities to promote social inclusion. ETI also works with relief agencies to ensure that young refugees with disabilities can also access its programmes.
                ETI - Empowerment Through Integration, Lebanon

              • Voices of Pacific Children with Disabilities_PRA_Photo1

                Giving a voice to children with disabilities

                The project seeks to develop a simple and effective method for children with disabilities to express or communicate their life priorities and human rights issues. Therefore project team developed a set of inclusive tools to overcome barriers in verbal or oral communication and made these available on the project website.
                Deakin University, Australia

              • Jobs in kindergartens and elder care for persons with intellectual disabilities

                The project organizes supported long-term traineeships for adults with intellectual disabilities in such areas as kindergarten supervision and elder care so these individuals can access the open labour market.The internships last for 14 weeks, during which each trainee must work at least three hours a week.
                Konekt vzw, Belgium

              • A boy with visual impairments being trained to famiilarise with his surroundings in the woods.

                Teaching the clicking of tongue technique to navigate

                World Access for the Blind trains blind and visually impaired persons the technique of human echolocation and calls its training Flashsonar (quite like the navigation of bats). The technique allows people to navigate using tongue-clicking and by responding to the reflected sound from their surroundings.
                World Access for the Blind, Flashsonar, United States of America

              • Making microfinance inclusive

                Creer is a loan product designed to reach persons with disabilities. Technically the product is the same as a standard microcredit product. After its start-up in April 2010, the product in 2013 had around 400 clients, which is considerably above industry average, while the portfolio at risk is only slightly above the average.
                Banco D-Miro, Making microfinance inclusive, Ecuador

              • Project participants gather outside and chatting with eachother during an accessibility seminar.

                A social franchise model for accessibility experts

                In 2015, the All-Russian Society of Disabled People (ARDS) began to conduct accessibility seminars throughout the country. In order to support many of the people it trains, the ARDS set up expert centres across Russia, offering advice and financial support. By 2019, some 480 experts were working in 64 of 85 regions of Russia.
                All Russian Society of Disabled People, Certification in Accessibility Expertise, Russia