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              Your search returned 131 Solutions

              • A woman with one hand on the keyboard of her laptop and the other on the trackpad. The screen of the laptop displays Jobsability portal showing the chat support, profile completion and other features.

                An online accessible skills-driven job platform

                Jobs Ability’, launched in 2018, is a development of the US non-profit Our Ability, in cooperation with Syracuse University and Microsoft. The Artificial Intelligence-driven job matching service uses algorithms that focus on the skills and abilities of persons with disabilities, rather than on what they do not have.
                Our Ability - Access to Opportunity, Jobs Ability, United States of America

              • A variety of approaches to create jobs for people with visual impairments

                The first phase started in 2007 and focused on technology to increase the learning potential of students with visual impairments. From 2012 to 2013, the emphasis was on vocational preparation, technological applications and advocacy for inclusive universities. 117 people found employment through the programme.
                ICEVI - International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment, Nippon Foundation Higher Education Project, Cambodia

              • A man stands next to a freezer in a supermarket aisle. He is smiling and unpacking frozen goods from a cardboard box to load the freezer.

                Employer-driven job creation for people with intellectual disabilities

                The KLAPjob project forms partnerships with various companies to identify and advertise jobs in the open labour market. People with intellectual disabilities are then helped to choose and apply for the most suitable job for them. Between 2014 and 2019, KLAPjob has successfully supported people into 3,684 jobs.
                Lev - Inclusion Denmark, KLAPjob, Denmark

              • Full-time, unlimited jobs in facility management

                Chance B is an NGO and social service provider operating in rural areas of Styria, one of the nine Austrian states. Among its services, the organization offers employment and housing support. Through its Hausmasters programme, it provides full-time employment for approximately 60 people with disabilities.
                Chance B Holding GmbH, Hausmasters Dienstleistungs GmbH/, Austria

              • Focusing on employer needs and creating hundreds of jobs for young people with intellectual disabilities

                The SETI Centre was founded by Caritas Egypt to provide vocational preparation and training to youth with intellectual disabilities. From its beginnings until 2016, the SETI Centre has placed over 500 youth with disabilities in various types of jobs as well as supported 300 of them to start their own businesses.
                SETI Centre for Training and Studies on Disability, Egypt

              • Building bridges to multinationals and Russian companies

                Perspektiva has developed a two-phase model that offers people with disabilities pre-employment support and internships as well as follow-up assistance. In its close cooperation with the Business Advisory Board on Disability (a public institution), the project supports approximately 500 young persons with disabilities per year.
                Perspektiva - Regional Society of Disabled People, Russia

              • A whole IKEA department run by persons with disabilities

                alsterarbeit is a social enterprise providing jobs for people with disabilities such as gardening, carpentry, packaging, IT, and gastronomy. In June 2014, the organization entered an agreement with IKEA to run the recovery department of IKEA at the Altona store in Hamburg, creating 30 jobs for people with disabilities.
                alsterarbeit, Cooperation with IKEA, Germany

              • How to successfully apply for jobs in the public and private sector

                Participants go through an evaluation process, which is summarised in an employment profile. Afterwards, training is recommended to complement existing interests and skills. Job placement is carried out using a special job-matching software, which is also available through the Ministry of Labour and private partner companies.
                Saraki Foundation, Project “Effective Labour Inclusion”, Paraguay

              • Alternative ways for successful job applications

                Since 2013, ECDD has been collaborating with public vocational training colleges on the "Inclusive Skills Training and Employment Programme for and by Persons with Disabilities" to facilitate training opportunities for people with disabilities, including with intellectual disabilities. By 2016, ISTEP had assisted more than 1,500 beneficiaries.
                ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development, Ethiopia

              • Rotary employment partnership

                AACL connects individuals with developmental disabilities to the jobs created by Rotarians and assists the employers to sustain employment by maximally utilising natural supports. In 2012 there were over 30 clubs in Alberta involved and more than 200 jobs had been created with an average wage substantially above the minimum wage.
                Alberta Association for Community Living, Rotary employment partnership, Canada