Full-time, unlimited jobs in facility management

Hausmasters Dienstleistungs GmbH/
Chance B Holding GmbH
Country of Implementation
Western Europe
Start Year
First published

Chance B is an NGO and social service provider operating in rural areas of Styria, one of the nine Austrian states. Among its services, the organization offers employment and housing support. Through its Hausmasters programme, it provides full-time employment for approximately 60 people with disabilities.

Jobs are primarily in facility management, including gardening, cleaning, and work in repair shops.

Solution details


“The Hausmasters Dienstleistungs GmbH programme is a very important partner for us, as we have about 40 contacts and trial periods with them every year. Last year alone, 10 permanent employment contracts were concluded!” Mr. Gottfried Walter, Manager of the regional employment agency AMS

Chance B is an Austrian NGO and social service provider operating in rural areas of Styria, one of the nine Austrian states. Among its services, the organization offers employment and housing support; and through its Hausmasters Dienstleistungs GmbH programme, it provides full-time employment in the regional open labour market for approximately 60 people with disabilities.

Problems Targeted

Even if persons with disabilities manage to find a job in the open labour market, in many cases they drop out again very soon. This is mostly due to a lack of personal and individualized support at the workplace and beyond.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

Chance B offers supported employment for people with disabilities and other socially marginalized groups. Most of its clients have had frustrating work experiences, often feeling neglected and suffering from low self-esteem. Chance B returns them to mainstream society by helping them to reintegrate into the open labour market. Support for these employees includes ensuring that their work environment has made the necessary adjustments to accommodate their particular needs. Jobs are primarily in the area of facility management, including gardening, cleaning, and work in repair shops. Chance B started with a trial programme in 1999 and has since created more than 70 jobs, 59 of them for people with disabilities. All positions are open employment contracts without time limit and at market rate salaries, providing genuine security for the employee.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

Hausmasters Dienstleistungs GmbH had a budget of €2.3 million in 2015, €1.8 million of which was generated through its activities, while the other €500,000 was provided by the regional government. These public funds cover the costs of the programme’s social workers, who are crucial for the success of the model.



Jobs are primarily in facility management, including gardening, cleaning, and work in repair shops.


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