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              Your search returned 86 Solutions

              • Men and women on wheelchairs playing basketball.

                A community centre built on Universal Design principles

                The Mary Free Bed YMCA is a 36 acre community centre in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The facility is the first building in the world to be certified by the Global Universal Design Commission. Currently, the center has over 200 adaptive sports athletes that access the YMCA for practice, tournaments, and fitness.
                Progressive AE - Progressive Architectural Design and Engineering, United States of America

              • A woman using a laptop.

                Private company joins a university in training students in web accessibility

                "Los Laboratorios de Accesibilidad Web" (Web Accessibility Laboratories) is a project for improving web accessibility expertise in Latin America. The approach is based on a training course and the development of web accessibility assessment tools. Since the start in 2015, 150 programmers and designers have passed the course.
                Hearcolors, The Web Accessibility Laboratories, Mexico

              • A screenshot of the map indicating accessbility features of the buildings.

                The playful way to create accessibility maps

                The free app features a gamification element called "AXS Mapathons," whereby teams compete against each other in real time while rating venues in their community on their accessibility. Google supports AXS Map through their annual volunteer programme, Google Serve. By mid of 2017, ASX Map had 100,000 users in 200 cities.
                AXS Map, United States of America

              • A group of four individuals stands close together at a professional event. They smile at the camera, conveying a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. In the background, a screen reads, "We help companies hire inclusively," emphasizing a commitment to diverse hiring practices. The group appears diverse in gender and style, embodying themes of equality and teamwork in a setting that promotes inclusive employment.

                An AI framework promoting inclusive employer practices for workers with disabilities

                PEAT by the U.S. Labor Department promotes accessible technology. By mid-2024, its AI resources were accessed 130,000 times globally, aiding audits, certification, and scholarship programs.
                US Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), PEAT Artificial Intelligence (AI) Initiative, United States of America

              • A blind man holding a white cane in holding up a smartphone and smiling into the camera.

                Talking camera app for people who are blind using AI and augmented reality

                Seeing AI is a free app that uses the camera of devices to identify people and objects and describes them acoustically. Seeing AI can read texts, describe landscapes and emotions, and read the barcodes of products, thus helping the user to focus. In 2020 the app was available in nine languages and 70 countries.
                Microsoft Corporation, Seeing AI, United States of America

              • Two television screens projects a woman seated in a studio. One screen shows a close up shot and the other is a whole body shot.

                Teaching inclusivity for digital designers through customized video courses

                Fable Tech Labs is a Canadian start-up that provides digital accessibility services delivered by people with disabilities. This offering has been complemented by "Fable Upskill" - video-based, customer-specific online training for businesses - since 2021. In 2022, Fable worked with 80 companies.
                Fable Tech Labs, Fable Upskill, Canada

              • A living room with two couches perpendicularly placed across a hanging lamp and a television mounted on the wall with a shelf below. Beside the door is a painting. Candles on top of a glass center table in the center of the room.

                Multifaceted relief programme for people struggling with mental health

                Developed in 2019 by Rincon Family Services in Chicago, USA, The Living Room (TLR) is a non-clinical safe space providing respite and recovery support to people experiencing psychological crisis. The number of TLR guests increased to 1,000 by mid-2022 and the model has been adopted across the US state of Illinois.
                Rincon Family Services, The Living Room, United States of America

              • New guidelines are making Mexican elections accessible

                The "Protocol for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities" is a binding national protocol. It contains requirements and guidelines for the availability of Braille ballots, improved physical access for people with mobility impairments, hospital polling stations as well as the reduction of both informative and communicative barriers.
                Mexican National Electoral Institute, Mexico

              • People reading documents on the laptop using the built-in learning tools.

                A comprehensive strategy to make Office 365 fully accessible

                To simplify the utilization for persons with disabilities, Microsoft 365 has been made accessible by including accessible templates, built-in learning tools, intelligent suggestions for image alt-text and an accessibility checker. Office 365 is available for home, business, enterprise and education use including free versions for students and teachers.
                Microsoft Corporation, Office 365, United States of America

              • The image shows a diverse group of five individuals in a professional setting, likely a conference or office room. A woman stands at the head of the table, appearing to address or present to four colleagues who are either seated or standing attentively. The group includes individuals of different ethnic backgrounds and genders, promoting themes of equality and inclusion. The background features large windows with a view of a cityscape, suggesting a collaborative environment. The scene subtly emphasizes teamwork, open communication, and diversity in the workplace.

                A replicable inclusive internship model for the civic sector

                AHRC NYC’s PII program creates public-sector opportunities for individuals with disabilities. By 2024, 174 internships led to 45 hires across NYC, state, and federal agencies.
                AHRC New York City and the New York City Department of Social Services Office of Disability Affairs, The Partnership for Inclusive Internships, United States of America