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              Your search returned 9 Solutions

              • A panel discussion on autism awareness with a focus on women, highlighting inclusion in neurodiversity. Participants listen attentively, promoting understanding of unique perspectives and experiences within the autism community.

                A large ICT consulting company implementing a global programme to support neurodiverse employees

                Capgemini's NeuroInclusion program creates ICT jobs for individuals with disabilities. By 2024, 5,000 employees across 6 countries received training for an inclusive workplace.
                Capgemini, NeuroInclusion Programme, France

              • The Accessibility Strategy of Grenoble

                In 2015 Grenoble developed a nine-year plan to make the city fully accessible – including all areas of public institutions, schools, sports and leisure facilities as well as the entire public transport system. The Accessibility Agenda is based on Universal Design principles and aims to cover all 49 communities by 2024.
                Grenoble-Alpes Métropole Community, France – Municipality of Grenoble – L’Agenda d’accessibilité programmée , France

              • A screenshot from a website, where the term "environnment" is explained in a text dictionary entry on the right side, and a still picture of a video showing a woman using sign language

                Web-browser extension for looking up explanations in sign language

                Elix Dictionary was developed by the French NGO Signes de Sens. It is a bilingual video dictionary in French Sign Language. With free extension for web browsers, Elix Bubble users can access Elix Dictionary by right-clicking on a word without leaving the website.
                Signes de sens, La Bulle Elix, France

              • Three men with masks work on a three-wheel bicycle. Two work at the front and one fixes something in the back. They are in a working environment

                Open space to invent and make tailor-made technical aids for persons with disabilities

                My Human Kit is a private association and a pioneer in the production of low-cost technical aids based on Open Source. Since the opening of the first 'Humanlab' in the French city of Rennes in 2016, Humanlab has enabled the production of more than 100 technical aids and welcomed more than 1,500 people.
                My Human Kit, Humanlab, a Fablab dedicated to disabilities, France

              • A man sits at a desk with two computer screens in front of him. He is communicating in sign language. On the screen, a sign language interpreter is visible via a video link.

                Remote sign language interpretation and transcription for professional users

                Tadeo offers automatic instant transcription and video sign language on demand. The service is offered by subscription, and users are guaranteed immediate availability. As of 2020, Tadeo has over 100 employees providing services to nearly 400 private companies and public authorities throughout France.
                Delta Process - Tadeo, Tadeo, France

              • The image shows a hand touching the surface of a touch screen device that depicts a design plan for the Parc de La Villette in Paris with its buildings, parks and streets.

                Inclusive design agency promoting access to arts and culture

                By combining digital and multisensory elements, Tactile Studio, a design agency from France, designs accessible experiences for museums and other cultural institutions aimed at people with visual impairments, combining digital and multisensory elements.
                Tactile Studio France, Inclusive & multi-sensory pathways, France

              • An animated bear with a countdown timer played on an iPad next to the faucet while a preschooler girl wearing a striped pullover is standing in front of the basin and a mirror brushing her teeth.

                Teaching skills to children with autism using animated video

                In 2013, Signes De Sens from France together with the Centre Ressources Autismes Hauts-de-France created ‘Ben the Koala’, a cartoon character that teaches children with autism everyday tasks such as brushing teeth and getting dressed. Dissemination takes place via videos, mobile apps, and printed materials.
                Signes de sens, Ben le Koala, France

              • In a job fair setting, people sit at tables in pairs, engaged in discussions, with a banner reading "Mission Handicap" promoting inclusivity. The interactions demonstrate an environment of support for individuals with disabilities, fostering equal opportunities in the workforce and addressing diverse employment needs.

                A youth-for-youth with disabilities programme creating a whirlwind of activities and jobs

                100% Handinamique in France supports youth with disabilities in employment. Managed by youth with disabilities, its peer-led program helped 150 people find jobs from 2021 to 2024, engaging 632 members in 2023.
                100% Handinamique, 360° support for access to employment for young persons with disabilities, France

              • FACIL'iti provides hundreds of adaptations for a custom-made browsing experience answering each user specific needs. The digital tools adapt to the user and no longer the opposite.

                Free browser-extension to adapt websites with a variety of accessibility features

                FACIL’iti, a start-up company from France, launched its website adaptation tool for companies in 2018. The tool, which is free for end users, is easy to install and for a variety of customizations such as larger characters as well as enlarged click zones or reading aids. In 2021 the service had more than 800,000 users globally.