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              Your search returned 99 Solutions

              • Young children are sitting on the floor and looking up ito their teacher, who holds a device.

                Noise-free school model inclusive of students with hearing impairments

                Classrooms at Tres Olivos School are built with sound-absorbing materials and equipped with sound-level meters. The school has 98 teachers (including seven speech therapists and two deaf teachers) and 1,100 students who are educated from early childhood to high school and also in two vocational trainings.
                Dales la Palabra Foundation, Tres Olivos School, Spain

              • A preschool girl seated on her desk with left arm raised. On her left is a robot and on her right are books piles and a canister with pencils.

                Home-based children using a robot in classroom to learn and socialize

                Berater Unternehmensberatungs GmbH from Austria has been offering education with the help of physical robots, so-called avatars, since 2020. Targeting children who cannot go to school, the avatars are usually placed in the classroom and can be personalized.
                die Berater counsulting, Interaction avatar, Austria

              • Entrepreneurship training and support for persons with disabilities

                The programme supports the self-employment of people with disabilities. Launched in 2018, the project was implemented in seven provinces by 2020. Of the 502 young entrepreneurs who received support after start-up, 360 are succeeding as entrepreneurs and 12 have secured sustainable employment.
                KFF - Kadiwaku Family Foundation, Inclusive Entrepreneurship for Persons with Disabilities, Congo

              • A young man in a black tracksuit with a red cap and rainproof jacket stands in front of a tour bus with Cork City Tours written on it. He is looking at the camera and smiling.

                Assigning job coaches for young jobseekers with intellectual disabilities

                Job coaches assist young people with an intellectual disability or autism to find paid employment. Job seekers contribute to the planning and delivery of the programme. Between 2018 and 2020, 69 people were registered and 37 people have been placed in supported employment jobs.
                COPE Foundation, Ability@Work, Ireland

              • A toddler who appears to have down syndrome is playing with the electornic tablet while being assisted by her father.

                App to support persons with speech and language difficulties to communicate

                Milla Says from Norway launched a web-based sign language service in 2018 that combines a user-created vocabulary with a standard library of Norwegian signs, and in which custom gestures can be shared within the network. In 2022 there were 200 end users, 1,400 network members, and 56,000 created signs.
                Milla Says, Milla Says, Norway

              • Two men are strapped to a transportation device with which they are carrying a young woman with a physical disability on top of a mountain with a background of snowed upon hill tops.

                IT-platform for planning and booking accessible travel

       is a barrier-free information and booking platform for tourists with special needs in Russia as well as for representatives of the tourism industry who lack the knowledge to adapt to tourists with disabilities. in addition, Globe4all also trains people with disabilities to become tourist guides.
                Globe Media, LLC, Globe4all, Russia

              • On the left side is a screen, and an instructor demonstrates the EYE Tool to a visually impaired male person sitting on the right.

                Free learning tool for visually impaired persons to improve their computer skills

                The EYE Tool is a self-learning tool that teaches visually impaired people digital skills to prepare them for computer-based workplaces. Users can choose from over 400 exercises, participate in job role simulations, receive feedback, and test their progress. EYE Tool has over 10,000 users in 15 countries.
                Enable India, Educate Yourself Easily (EYE) Tool, India

              • A nine-year-old boy with low vision wears earplugs, while benting over his pad and watching the screen.

                Early-learning technology for children who are blind or visually impaired

                Ballyland is a range of gamified educational software programmes and apps. These support children who are blind or visually impaired to acquire foundational technology skills that enable them to use computers and mobile devices and to practice orientation, spatial awareness, memory, and listening comprehension.
                Sonokids Australia, Ballyland educational apps , Australia

              • Two men both wearing surgical mask seated inside a cinema with a bucket of popcorn and two cups of drinks in between them. One of the men is holding a mobile phone and headphones in his ears.

                Free mobile app and glasses that sync audio description and captions to movies

                HELLO! MOVIE is a user-free application, launched in 2020 by the Japanese start-up Evixar, that allows people with visual or hearing disabilities to access the subtitles or audio description of movies via their smartphone or to project them onto smart glasses. The functions automatically synchronize only with the sound of the movies.
                Evixar Inc., HELLO! MOVIE, Japan

              • A goup of about 10 people, some of them blind, stand around a table while touching and feeling a wooden carved map of sorts. The camera zooms in on their hands.  Next to the wooden map there lies a white cane.

                Inclusive club engaging with urban planners to create more accessibility for the blind

                The Urban Mobility Club, initiated in Bucharest, is a pan-European community that promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in the urban life through workshops and other activities. In addition to people with disabilities, representatives of the real estate sector and the administration are encouraged to participate.
                The Alternative Methods of Social Integration Association, The Urban Mobility Club , Romania