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    Disabilites - Washington Group Criteria


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              Your search returned 8 Solutions

              • The photo shows a person in a wheelchair being assisted onto a school bus equipped with a ramp, highlighting accessibility for individuals with disabilities. A man is seen operating the ramp, ensuring the safe boarding of the wheelchair user. The bus is brightly colored, and the setting appears to be outside a building with red brickwork. This image reflects a commitment to inclusivity and the importance of providing equal opportunities for mobility and education to all members of society.

                A provincial government creating large-scale enrolment of pupils with disabilities in cooperation with a foundation

                Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme, Nepal: A partnership between Koshi Province and Karuna Foundation Nepal since 2008. Constructed 35 accessible schools, enrolling 1,267 children with disabilities. By 2023, expanded DPRP model throughout Koshi Province, with Nepal's government piloting it in other provinces.
                Karuna Foundation Nepal, Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation Programme (DPRP), Nepal

              • Felting and knitting skills as the key to self-employment

                EPSA produces and sells a variety of felting and knitting products made by young women with disabilities. Participants in their vocational training are provided with meals and accommodations. Since 2009, almost 400 young women have benefited from being trained and equipped to work on a self-employment base.
                EPSA - Entire Power in Social Action, Employment programme for young women with physical disabilities., Nepal

              • Training and seed financing within local communities

                Persons with disabilities and their family members are provided with vocational training depending on their interests and skills. Successful graduates are then provided with seed capital on a loan basis so they can start their own businesses. The costs of the initiative are shared between the Karuna Foundation and the community
                Karuna Foundation, Project “Inspire2Care”, Nepal

              • A person with mobility disabilities and a person with visual impairments accessing the ramp.

                Inclusive Post-Earthquake Reconstruction

                In April 2015 a strong earthquake struck Nepal, injuring and disabling around 3,000 people. "Inclusive Post-Earthquake Reconstruction: Public Building Safe and Accessible for All," initiated by ADRAD, is committed to inclusive reconstruction in the worst affected areas and reforms for more accessible construction.
                Action on Disability Rights And Development-Nepal, Nepal

              • Pupils are sitting on the benches in the classroom listening to the lecture.

                A countrywide policy framework for lifelong inclusive learning

                The policy consists of 43 working policies, 17 strategies and 13 guiding principles and is implemented by programme committees at the local and provincial level, as well as by NGOs under the supervision of MEST. The adoption of specific teaching plans and school implementation are flexible and are based on local circumstances.
                Nepalese Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Inclusive Education Policy (2016), Nepal

              • A project participant is getting individual learning support on a table with learning material.

                Promoting community-based Inclusive Education

                Sama Nepal focuses on a "base school", which includes a care centre and/or a resource class in which children with special needs are enrolled. From there they participate in mainstream school activities according to their abilities. From 2016 to 2019, 222 children with disabilities have benefited from this support.
                Sama Nepal, Including children with disabilities in mainstream schools in Nepal, Nepal

              • People with physical disabilities participating in a demonstration.

                Engaging persons with disabilities in all levels of politics

                DEC-N conducts regular dialogue with political parties and local public and non-government bodies to encourage inclusive policies, and an organizational taskforce supports voter registering and participation. Since 2012, some 200 people with disabilities have participated in local planning, 1,055 have registered to vote.
                DEC-Nepal - Disable Empowerment and Communication Center, Nepal

              • Children walking on a ramp to enter a school facility.

                Disability-inclusive communities in remote areas

                The programme focuses on prevention of childhood Disability, Community Based Rehabilitation and strengthening community systems in order to continue the work using resources provided by local government authorities. Between 2015 and 2017 approximately 5,000 persons have benefitted from Inspire2Care.
                Karuna Foundation, Inspire2Care, Nepal