Events overview
Scroll down to find the details on these events:
- Goal 17 Partners Event
- Universal Design Day 2022
- Zero Project Conference Latin America 2022 (#ZeroConLatam22)
- The Inclusive Africa Conference
- Philea Forum 2022
- Smart City SuMMit 2022
- European Accessibility Summit
- Harkin International Disability Employment Summit
- Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (COSP)
- Joint International Conference on Digital Inclusion, Assistive Technology & Accessibility
Goal 17 Partners Event
Represented by Head of Research Wilfried Kainz, the Zero Project is excited to be joining the Goal 17 Partners Event in Davos, Switzerland, on the sidelines of The World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, to discuss the way forward to solve the world’s biggest problems, from May 22 to May 25.
Wilfried Kainz will join the events on May 24, as well as participate in a session himself:
- Session: Equality Means Accessibility & Inclusion: Ensuring Everyone is Represented in the Global Agenda
- Date: May 24
- Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am, CEST
- Held:
- In person (Kurgartenstrasse 1, 7270 Davos)
- Recording available (not livestreamed)
- With the Special Participation of: Zero Project Awardee JAMBA – Career for All
- Language: English
Click here to register for the event.
Universal Design Day 2022
The Zero Project Team will also be attending remotely the Universal Design Day, discussing the current situation and practices of Universal Design, and celebrating the positive impact of Universal Design on society in the world. The event is organized by Inclusive Creation & Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV).
- Date: May 24
- Time: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm, CEST
- Held:
- In person (Oslo Metropolitan University – OsloMet)
- Online
- Language: English
The team will join the event represented by Sumita Kunashakaran, Civil Society Manager for Zero Project, and she will showcase worldwide solutions of Zero Project Awardees on the topic of Universal Design:
- Session: A world with zero barriers: replicating successful innovative practices
- Date: May 24
- Time: 12:45 pm – 1:00 pm, CEST
To register visit:
Zero Project Conference Latin America 2022 (#ZeroConLatam22)
The team will also attend the Zero Project Conference Latin America 2022, an initiative of the Essl Foundation, organized by Fundación Descúbreme and ONCE Foundation, aimed at exploring the challenges – and solutions – of disability inclusion within the field of Accessibility and ICT in the Spanish speaking world.
- Date: May 25 - May 26
- Time: 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, CEST
- Held:
- In person - on May 25th from 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm CEST
- Online
- Language: Spanish and English
The Essl Foundation’s Founder and Chairman of the Board Martin Essl will open the event:
- Session: Opening Ceremony
- Date: May 25
- Time: 4:00 pm, CEST
During the Opening Ceremony, the welcoming to the conference will be conducted by the organizers Fundación Descúbreme, ONCE Foundation, both Zero Project Awardees.
The Zero Project will also be represented by its Director Michael Fembek, who will moderate:
- Session: Looking for a more accessible world: Lessons from Europe for Latin America and the Caribbean
- Date: May 25
- Time: 5:00 pm, CEST
The session will deal with the progress and challenges of accessibility as a human right and technology, and it will feature speakers from the European Disability Forum and European Commission, who have formerly collaborated with a Zero Project Awardee – The United States Access Board to implement its solution.
To register visit:
The Inclusive Africa Conference
The Zero Project Team is excited to be joining the Inclusive Africa Conference to showcase remarkable solutions by Zero Project Awardees from the African continent and promote #ZeroCall23. The conference is organized by inABLE (Zero Project Awardee, NGO based in Kenya & in the USA) with the aim of advancing digital accessibility and assistive technology in Africa.
- Date: May 25 - May 26
- Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm, EAT
- Held:
- In person (TradeMark Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya)
- Online
- Language: English
Zero Project’s Junior Digital Content Manager Isabella Essl will represent the team at the conference, speaking at:
- Session: The Google Gala Dinner
- Date: May 26
- Time: 7:20 pm, EAT
To register visit:
Philea Forum 2022
Michael Fembek, Director at Zero Project, will also be joining the Philea Forum 2022 Philanthropy United – The Time Is Now to discuss the catalyst role of philanthropic organizations to create a new paradigm for the world with a tripartite focus on one planet, one health, united in diversity, and culture & creativity.
- Date: May 30 to June 01
- Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 am, CEST
- Held: In person (Barcelona International Convention Centre – CCIB)
- Language: English
Michael Fembek will hold a speech as Head of the Disability Thematic Network of Philea during the Forum at:
- Site visit: Fundación Once: Empowering lives of blind people
- Date: May 31
- Time: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm, CEST
Click here to register for the Philea Forum.
Smart City SuMMit 2022
Zero Project’s Business Sector Manager Anna Koenigseder and Head of Research Wilfried Kainz will join the Smart City SuMMit 2022 held in Vienna, to meet pioneers from all over the world with the common purpose of making cities “livable for our grandchildren”. The conference is organized by the Vienna Business Agency, and it is part of the startup festival Vienna UP'22 (27.5. - 3.6.)
- Date: May 30 - May 31
- Time: 9:00 am – 6:30 pm, CEST
- Held:
- In person (Ankerbrotfabrik)
- Online
- Language: English
Wilfried Kainz and Anna Koenigseder will be hosting together the session:
- Session: Inclusive & Barrier free city
- Date: May 31
- Time: 11 am - 12:30 pm, CEST
To register visit:
European Accessibility Summit
Zero Project’s Director Michael Fembek will join the European Accessibility Summit, organized by the European Disability Forum, to raise awareness on the importance of accessible technology in work, education, and leisure for persons with disabilities in Europe.
- Date: May 31 –June 1
- Time: 10:00 am – 3:30 pm, CEST
- Held:
- In Person (Microsoft Executive Briefing Centre, Brussels)
- Online
- Language: English
Michael Fembek will speak at the European Accessibility Summit:
- Session: Keynote
- Date: June 1
- Time: 10:10 am - 10:25 am, CEST
Click here to register for the European Accessibility Summit.
Harkin International Disability Employment Summit
Sumita Kunashakaran, Civil Society Manager at Zero Project, will join the Harkin International Disability Employment Summit on behalf of the Zero Project. The Summit will bring together stakeholders to address disability employment issues and showcase best practice and success, under the overarching theme Disability: Shaping, Growing and Driving Economic Chang.
- Date: June 7 – June 8
- Time: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm, GMT
- Held:
- In person (International Convention Centre, Belfast)
- Online
- Language: English
Zero Project’s Sumita Kunashakaran will speak at the Summit:
- Session: Breaking Barriers: Accessible workspaces for individuals with psychosocial and cognitive disabilities
- Date: June 7
- Time: 2:30 pm – 3:15 pm, GMT
- With the Special Participation of: Zero Project Awardees Enosh, Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities.
To register visit:
Conference of States Parties to the CRPD (COSP)
The Zero Project Team is excited to be joining the 15th session of the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, with the purpose of exploring the overarching theme of Building disability-inclusive and participatory societies in the COVID context and beyond.
- Date: June 14 to June 17
- Held:
- In person (only selected events, UN HQ New York)
- Online at
The Zero Project Team will join the following side events alongside the conference:
Session: Inclusive Music Making, Accessibility, and their Innovative Applications in the Art
- Moderator: Zero Project Director, Michael Fembek
- Date: June 16
- Time: 10:00 am – 11:15 am, EDT
- With the Special Participation of: Zero Project Awardees DanceAbility International, Eyeharp
Session: Disaster Risk Reduction in Ukraine – Rescue and Support of People with Disabilities During Emergencies
- Speaker: Zero Project Director, Michael Fembek
- Date: June 16
- Time: 10:00 am – 11:15 am, EDT
- With the Special Participation of: Zero Project Awardee Access Israel (Chair)
Session: “Foundation”al work in challenging times
- Moderator: Zero Project Director, Michael Fembek
- Date: June 17
- Time: 08:30 am – 09:45 am, EDT
- With the Special Participation of: Zero Project Awardee Fundación Descúbreme (Chair)
Session: Your Story Matters: Interactive Dialogues with People with Disabilities
- Speaker: Zero Project Public Sector Manager, Robin Tim Weis
- Date: June 17
- Time: 08:30 am – 09:45 am, EDT
Session: Innovative Practices in Disability-Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction
- Moderator: Zero Project Civil Society Manager, Sumita Kunashakaran
- Date: June 17
- Time: 10:00 am – 11:15 am, EDT
- With the Special Participation of Zero Project Awardees: Enosh, CBM, World Vision, CDD, Access Israel, Keystone Human Services International Moldova
Joint International Conference on Digital Inclusion, Assistive Technology & Accessibility
To crown this busy season of events, the Zero Project will be at the Joint International Conference on Digital Inclusion, Assistive Technology & Accessibility in Lecco, Italy.
- Date: July 11 to July 15
- Time: 8:00 pm – 6:00 pm, CEST
Zero Project’s Wilfried Kainz, Head of Research, will participate in the following session:
- Session: ZeroProject/GAATO: The Challenges of Scaling Up Innovative Practices in Technology and Disability (Inclusion Forum Contributions)
- Date: July 14
- Time: 8:00 am -10:00 am, CEST
- With the Special Participation of: Zero Project Awardee Global Symbols CIC, and other Awardees.
The Zero Project is excited to meet and connect with innovative, impactful, and replicable solutions and pioneers for a world with zero barriers!
Would you like to contact the Zero Project Team or meet us at one of the events? Send an email to, or click on the button to get in touch through our contact form: