An international ICT-service company expands based on its employees within the autism spectrum

auticon Germany
Country of Implementation
Western Europe
Start Year
First published

Auticon employs 436 autistic IT specialists in 15 countries. By 2023, it trained 6,000 professionals globally, offering neurodiversity consulting and inclusion services.

Two men collaborate at a computer, symbolizing teamwork and mentorship. The scene promotes a workplace that values neurodiversity, as they work together to enhance productivity and support.
auticon employs skilled IT professionals on the autism spectrum in a variety of fields.

Solution details


Ursula Schemm Website
“auticon has enabled me to work the way I want to work – with a 100 per cent focus on quality.” Martin Neumann, Solution Architect, auticon Deutschland GmbH

auticon, founded in 2011 in Berlin, Germany, is an international social enterprise offering IT services, consulting, and training for neurodiversity. Operating in over 30 locations across 15 countries, auticon employs skilled IT specialists on the autism spectrum who excel in quality management, data analysis, processes, and coding. The company also provides neurodiversity and inclusion services to help other organizations become more inclusive. In 2023, auticon trained some 6,000 people globally on autism and neurodiversity at work, with 436 autistic IT specialists working on 402 projects at 266 companies.

Problems Targeted

There are high rates of unemployment among individuals on the autism spectrum.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

auticon, an international social enterprise group based in Berlin, assesses, trains, and employs people on the autism spectrum, leveraging this workforce to secure contracts in ICT-related services. Its IT specialists possess skills in quality management, data analysis, processes, and coding. The company employs job coaches to provide ongoing support both to autistic employees and client teams, thus facilitating autistic-friendly processes, addressing misconceptions about autism, and fostering an inclusive work environment. Additionally, auticon provides neurodiversity and inclusion services to assist other organizations in becoming inclusive employers. Its approach has been effective in creating sustainable jobs, achieving high customer satisfaction, and developing a scalable business model. auticon’s approach is comparable to that offered by Specialsterne, an international social business group headquartered in Denmark.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

auticon operates under the auspices of auticon Holding GmbH, funded through service contracts with multinational corporations, medium-sized enterprises, and public authorities. auticon aims to further expand its neurodiversity and inclusion services and tailor them to better serve a wider range of companies. This model has demonstrated scalability and can be replicated in other regions. (Zero Project Awardee 2025)



Two men collaborate at a computer, symbolizing teamwork and mentorship. The scene promotes a workplace that values neurodiversity, as they work together to enhance productivity and support. auticon employs skilled IT professionals on the autism spectrum in a variety of fields.
Two men collaborate at a computer, symbolizing teamwork and mentorship. The scene promotes a workplace that values neurodiversity, as they work together to enhance productivity and support. auticon employs skilled IT professionals on the autism spectrum in a variety of fields.

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