Comprehensive and effective job-placement model working countrywide

Comprehensive support model for persons with disabilities
Fundacja Aktywizacja
Country of Implementation
Central and Eastern Europe
Start Year
First published

Fundacja Aktywizacja, a Warsaw NGO, supports persons with disabilities via tailored education and employment services. In 2023, 3,120 benefited, and 1,137 found open-market jobs with employer support.

A group of individuals, some using wheelchairs, pose together in a bright room, representing the spirit of collaboration and inclusion. Their expressions are warm and engaged, symbolizing a workspace where accessibility and equality are prioritized. The scene is respectful of each person's abilities and contributions.
In 2023, Fundacja Aktywizacja supported 3,120 people with disabilities, 1,137 found jobs.

Solution details


Karolina Sielecka Website
“When you don’t have a purpose in life, such as a job, a person gets eaten up by frustration.” Karolina Zaleśna, client of Fundacja Aktywizacja (Activation Foundation)

Fundacja Aktywizacja (Activation Foundation), a large Warsaw-based NGO founded in 1990, runs a variety of programmes in education and employment for persons with disabilities as well as for their potential employers. The support model is based on individualized assessments and the provision of tailored services. At the same time, the foundation assists employers in job crafting and provides post-employment support. In 2023 some 3,120 persons with disabilities benefited from this support, of whom 1,137 found jobs in the open labour market.

Problems Targeted

Persons with disabilities often face significant barriers to employment, including lack of access to vocational training, inadequate job placement services, and insufficient post-employment support.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

Fundacja Aktywizacja (Activation Foundation) is a large NGO with a staff of more than 160 employees in 13 units across Poland. The foundation provides a comprehensive support model for persons with disabilities, creating more than 1,000 inclusive jobs in recent years. Support for job seekers includes individualized assessments and tailored services, such as personal counselling, vocational training, IT training, social skills workshops, and paid internships or apprenticeships. Foundation Activation also works closely with employers, including job-crafting services, to help create satisfactory working conditions, as well as providing post-employment support to ensure job retention and improved work conditions. Employers also receive training and consultation on how to make their workplaces more inclusive and accessible. 

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

The projects of the Activation Foundation are co-financed mainly by the European Social Fund and Poland’s State Fund for Rehabilitation of the Disabled. Future prospects include enhancing digital training programmes and increasing collaboration with international organizations. (Zero Project Awardee 2025)



A group of individuals, some using wheelchairs, pose together in a bright room, representing the spirit of collaboration and inclusion. Their expressions are warm and engaged, symbolizing a workspace where accessibility and equality are prioritized. The scene is respectful of each person's abilities and contributions. In 2023, Fundacja Aktywizacja supported 3,120 people with disabilities, 1,137 found jobs.
A group of individuals, some using wheelchairs, pose together in a bright room, representing the spirit of collaboration and inclusion. Their expressions are warm and engaged, symbolizing a workspace where accessibility and equality are prioritized. The scene is respectful of each person's abilities and contributions. In 2023, Fundacja Aktywizacja supported 3,120 people with disabilities, 1,137 found jobs.

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