Non-Formal Education

Structured education taking place outside of formal systems. Some examples of non-formal education may be literacy programs, education for out-of-school children, programmes on life skills, social or cultural development. Some methods may be learning through art, dance, music, sport and educational apps.


We are looking for an addition, alternative and/or a complement to formal education which mostly leads to qualifications that are not recognized as formal qualifications by the relevant national educational authorities, or offers no formal qualifications at all.  

  • Non-formal education will overlap with lifelong learning, digital learning, and education in emergency situations.  
  • It is paramount that non-formal education happens in an organized and purposeful setting with the goal to improve the skill level of a person on a permanent basis.
  • It does not necessaruly apply a continuous pathway structure; it is typically short in duration and low in intensity - such as short courses, workshops or seminars.

Nominations shall not contain:

  • Unstructured learning experiences - for example following a TV cooking show or doing physical exercise through an app

Instead, please visit the other subtopics: Inclusive Education Subtopics

Former Zero Project Awardees on Non-Formal Education:

  • Three girls, Lara in the front and her twin sister and another girl in the back, are playing with pink ribbon.


    Projeto Brincar

    The project promotes the use of accessible and inclusive teaching methods in public pre-school…

  • Tuleen, a project participant in a wheel chair with an attached desk, studys together with other children in a classroom.


    Leaving no one behind

    The programme includes services such as occupational therapy, assistive technology, and support from…