Transfering persons with intellectual disabilities out of sheltered workshops

Israel Elwyn – Transitional Programmes
Israel Elwyn
Country of Implementation
Asia & Pacific
Start Year
First published

Israel Elwyn has launched two programmes in 2015 to move people with intellectual disabilities into the mainstream labour market. ‘Future Direction’ is aimed at individuals who have been working in sheltered workshops for many years, while ‘Creating a Future’ is aimed at high school students.

A  woman is standing on a step ladder in front of a shelf filled with children's toys inside a supermarket while smiling.
Bringing people from sheltered workshops into the regular labour market.

Solution details


Sharon EHRNWALD Website
“Thanks to my job I am independent. I help customers at the store. I feel strong.” Yoshi Yehuda, programme participant

In 2015 Israel Elwyn (IE), an Israel-based NGO focusing on persons with intellectual disabilities, initiated a model to close sheltered workshops and to transfers its beneficiaries to the open labour market programme, providing accessible training, job placement, and tailored individual or group support. As of 2022, IE supported some 1,200 individuals to find employment in the open labour market, and 800 students through IE´s transitional programmes into employment each year.

Problems Targeted

Historically, persons with disabilities in Israel have been referred to sheltered workshops for employment, where they did not receive remuneration, social benefits, or pensions.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

In cooperation with the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs, Israel Elwyn has developed a model to close sheltered workshops in Israel and to support people with disabilities to transition into the open labour market. To achieve this, IE has created a variety of employment services such as adapted training, job placement, and emotional support. In particular, training is provided with the cooperation of vocational colleges to teach relevant skills and to provide hands-on experience, thus expanding job opportunities for individuals in the community. IE’s work focuses on high school students with disabilities approaching adult life, as well as persons with disabilities participating in sheltered workshops for many years. Annually, 800 students participate in the IE transitional programme in high schools throughout Israel. Later, these students are referred to follow-up programmes, such us vocational training, employment, and higher education, among others.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

Other Israeli organizations supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are in implementing the model. Several adjustments are necessary to reflect market demand. IE expects to work with the Ministry of Economy and Industry to provide professional courses and digital skills to support career development for persons with disabilities. IE will continue to recognize businesses employing people with disabilities through its Open-Door Employer Campaign.



A  woman is standing on a step ladder in front of a shelf filled with children's toys inside a supermarket while smiling. Bringing people from sheltered workshops into the regular labour market.



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