Quotas, support and subsidies for private employers

Tawafuq Empowerment for Employment for Persons with Disabilities Programme of 2014 Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MLSD) and the Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF), Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabian Ministry of Labour
Country of Implementation
Saudi Arabia
Asia & Pacific
Start Year
First published

By building on validated initiatives the programme has established legislation, policies, and procedures for employers that include quotas, incentives, and subsidies. Launched in 2014 by 2016 of the approximately 648,000 Saudis with disabilities, 62,728 were employed by 31,790 companies and nearly 17,400 received subsidies.

Changing lives improving quality of life for family: Three brothers employed in one company © Tawafuq Programme, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)
Changing lives and improving the quality of life: three brothers employed in one company. © Tawafuq Programme, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)

Solution details


“The provision and enforcement of legislation and inclusive work environments is core to empower the employment process of persons with disabilities.” Mr. Ahmed Al-Humaidan, Vice Minister, Ministry of Labour and Social Development, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

By building on validated initiatives, particularly with regard to the involvement of private-sector employers, Saudi Arabia’s “Tawafuq Empowerment for Employment for Persons with Disabilities” programme has established legislation, policies, and procedures for employers that include quotas, incentives, and subsidies.

Problems Targeted

The Tawafuq Empowerment for Employment for Persons with Disabilities programme focuses on the creation of a nationwide, fully inclusive private sector economic system by improving and developing legislation and policies, providing pre-employment and employment services, offering vocational training, and using data tracking to promote and support suitable and sustainable employment of persons with disabilities.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

Tawafuq strongly focuses on inclusion, providing fertile ground for building and promoting inclusive employment opportunities.
Technology-based delivery
The programme provides quality services with effective outcomes by using technology (e.g., a sign language call centre) and by ensuring that all e-platforms for training become accessible. 
Case study reviews 
A case review process was established to build capacity and solve disability-related challenges. Service providers and employers can call and engage with a local team of experts to find a solution related to the employment of persons with disabilities.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

Tawafuq’s scalability builds on current services and avoids duplication. Its cost-effectiveness is enhanced by cross-ministerial efforts that aim to transform welfare beneficiaries to economically productive members. Tawafuq’s annual budget of €4.3 million is secured under the National Transformation Plan.



Changing lives improving quality of life for family: Three brothers employed in one company © Tawafuq Programme, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) Changing lives and improving the quality of life: three brothers employed in one company. © Tawafuq Programme, Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)


Life Story


“Happy that our skills and abilities are valued in our new roles.”

Leaving home and relocating to a new region in the Kingdom to find a job is not an easy decision for any person. We lived in Jazan where we looked for employment, but we could find no suitable job vacancies. So we were faced with a tough decision: We could stay in Jazan and continue our unsuccessful job search, or we could relocate somewhere with better job prospects. Motivated to find work and focused on our career goals, we decided to expand our horizons and move to another region. We considered that a move to the eastern province might give us greater opportunities. To this end, the Human Resources Development Fund worked with and supported us to find suitable and sustainable positions. After our initial training, we quickly settled into our new jobs as a receptionist and an accounting assistant. Today, we are happy that our skills and abilities are valued in our new roles, and that our five-day work week allows us to visit our family in Jazan at the weekend.

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Country of Implementation

Saudi Arabia

Region of Implementation

Asia & Pacific