Election policy toolkit of a UN agency for persons with intellectual disabilities

Toolkit for Political Participation of Persons with Intellectual or Psychosocial Disabilities
The United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD)
Start Year
First published

In 2021 the Multi-Partner Trust Fund of the UN Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (PRPD MPTF), UNDP, and Inclusion International developed the first toolkit in easy language to promote the participation of people with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in political processes. By 2022 the toolkit was being used in more than 30 countries.

A woman in wheelchair looks at the identification document into a machine on table with a man standing behind. Three elderly white women and three elderly men are waiting for their turn behind the woman in wheelchair.
A toolkit in easy language improves electoral participation in more than 30 countries.

Solution details


“Meaningful participation is key to achieving Agenda 2030 and its pledge to leave no one behind.” Dr. Ola Abualghaib, Manager, Technical Secretariat, UNPRPD MPTF

In 2021 the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UNPRPD MPTF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and Inclusion International, an international NGO network, developed a policy guidance toolkit on how to advance the participation of persons with psychosocial and intellectual disabilities in political and electoral processes. The toolkit was created through a participatory process, and has already been used by UNDP policy advisors and electoral practitioners in more than 30 countries.

Problems Targeted

Persons with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities are often excluded from political processes, denying them the right to voice their opinion on matters that affect their lives.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

This policy toolkit is the first of its kind regarding inclusive political participation for persons with psychosocial disabilities. Its multi-stakeholder approach addresses a highly relevant global challenge in an area where there is an existing knowledge gap. The guide helps inform and shape national policies and practices, and is designed as a practical tool for governments, election management bodies, DPOs, civil society organizations, and electoral assistance providers. The toolkit is available in easy-to-read language and aims to increase knowledge on how best to support national stakeholders on legal capacity reforms, policy and institutional reforms processes, and implementation of supported decision-making arrangements. UNDP has electoral assistance projects in 30 to 40 countries and is piloting the policy tool in a majority of these. The toolkit has already been used by UNDP policy advisors and electoral practitioners in the Pacific Islands, the Arab States, Africa, and Latin America.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

Pilot projects were implemented by UNDP, UNPRPD MPTF, and Inclusion International. Further funding is required for additional pilots. The project aims in the coming years to support governments, election management bodies, DPOs, and electoral stakeholders in strengthening and increasing the participation of persons with psychosocial or intellectual disabilities in decision-making processes. This will be done by providing technical assistance and building capacities at the country level through, for example, workshops, trainings, advocacy campaigns, and online courses.



A woman in wheelchair looks at the identification document into a machine on table with a man standing behind. Three elderly white women and three elderly men are waiting for their turn behind the woman in wheelchair. A toolkit in easy language improves electoral participation in more than 30 countries.



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