Jewellery production – creating jobs for persons with intellectual disabilities

Country of Implementation
Asia & Pacific
South Asia
Start Year
First published

Jhankar is an NGO that runs a costume jewellery business where the products are designed and produced by people with intellectual disabilities. Jhankar provides skills development opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities and transforms them into entrepreneurs who become socially and economically integrated in their communities.

Exhibition of the jewellery products.

Solution details


“As I gained skills to create beautiful jewelleries, I gained control over my life. Now I earn money, which gives me the satisfaction of doing something meaningful.” Mr. Nusrat Perving, jewellery producer

Problems Targeted

Jhankar believes that the unemployment rate of persons with intellectual disabilities ranges from 70 to 90 per cent in India. These statistics are particularly disturbing in light of the fact that productive work can pave the way for an independent and fulfilling life. 

Solution, Innovation and Impact

Jhankar provides skills development opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities and transforms them into entrepreneurs who become socially and economically integrated in their communities. Building on the “fashion for a cause” initiative, Jhankar oversees the making and marketing of costume jewelleries and other handcrafted products. It also collects the payments for these products and in turn pays the individual craftspeople. Regular producers of the goods receive a monthly payment; others are paid per product. 
Typical customers are boutiques, art galleries, and shopping malls. In addition, there are exhibitions to display the products to potential retailers. 
Another sales channel is the Internet. Jhankar has developed a special website where people from all over the world can view the products made by its members, thus creating an opportunity for the craftspeople to interact with their customers and to exchange comments about the products. Moreover, such feedback enhances the self-esteem of the participants, and promotes the example of an independent lifestyle. 

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

Jhankar has expanded its activities and now runs two additional centres: in Rupnarayanpur and in North Kolkata. The organization has also increased its marketing network, and now sells to retailers and hotels. Jhankar is currently self-sustaining, but it is unable to scale-up further due to lack of funding.



Exhibition of the jewellery products.


Life Story


“By creating beautiful jewellery I have gained control over my life.”

Nusrat Parvin, a woman in her early twenties, was considered a total burden on her family. A woman who is neither good looking nor has a sound mind is rejected not only by the society but also by each of her family members. Under such conditions, Nusrat never realized that she, too, had potential. During a health fair at Rupnarayanpur, Nusrat approached a stall that was staffed by Jhankar, an NGO that sells jewellery and other crafts designed and produced by people with intellectual disabilities. Thereafter, every day Nusrat would walk 30 minutes and then ride a bus for another 20 minutes to experience an encouraging environment in which she picked up the craft of jewellery making, embroidery, and other skills. “My father burst into tears when I handed him my first earnings,” Nusrat recalled. “He embraced me and called all the other family members to announce that he was proud of me. That was the best moment of my life. I transformed into a contributing member of my family. I am not an outcast any more. Now I also have the right to take part in family decisions, and now I am able to challenge my mental illness and live my life with dignity.”

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Country of Implementation


Region of Implementation

Asia & Pacific