Introduction of the personal assistance model

Phnom Penh Center for Independent Living
Country of Implementation
Asia & Pacific
Southeast Asia
Start Year
First published

In 2016 the Phnom Penh Centre for Independent Living (PPCIL) introduced the first personal assistance model for people with severe disabilities in Cambodia. Between 2016 and 2018, more than 300 people with disabilities have benefitted from the PPCI programme, , which is to become a national policy.

PPCIL Personal Assistant Training.
Training of personal assistants at PPCIL.

Solution details


Samith MEY Website
“The personal assistant makes me become more self-confident and sees my abilities, not only my disability.” —Horn Heang, a PPCIL Role Model of Independent Living

Problems Targeted

In Cambodia, the capacity for delivering services such as personal assistants, health care, and rehabilitation for persons with disabilities is very limited.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

PPCIL seeks to provide greater independence to persons with severe disabilities through its the Personal Assistant Service System (PASS), which provides awareness training for local decision-makers on disability, independent living, the development of accessibility guidelines, among other topics. PPCIL has adopted PASS from Japan, where it has been actively and effectively implemented throughout the country. To that end, PPCIL has organized trainings and awareness campaigns to implement PASS at the community level and to ensure proper budget allocations. Other actions have included the development of accessibility guidelines, the instalment of accessible ramps and toilets in community offices and homes of people with disabilities, and the training of relevant stakeholders in disability laws. Further, PPCIL is in negotiations with government authorities to make PASS a nationwide policy and is lobbying to provide services such as pensions, free health care, and rehab services for people with disabilities. To date, PASS has been supported by 30 personal assistants, most of whom have been university students working as volunteers. In continuation of the PASS model, PPCIL is promoting an Independent Living Model of Persons with Severe Disabilities (ILDP), which has just begun.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

PASS has been implemented in 15 communes in five districts in Phnom Penh. In order to convince the government to further scale-up the system, PPCIL has provided trainings and organized advocacy campaigns win the support of local decision-makers. In addition, PPCIL implemented accessibility modifications for 90 people with severe disabilities to serve as role models for the programme. To date, the government remains undecided on how and when to roll-out the personal assistance service on a nationwide basis. The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and UNICEF have funded the introduction of PASS in Cambodia with more than $90,000. The Human Care Association supports the ILDP project with $38,000.



PPCIL Personal Assistant Training. Training of personal assistants at PPCIL.



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Asia & Pacific