Best Buddies International

at a Glace

Country of Domicile
United States of America
Social Sector
Civil Society
Civil Societal Sector Type
NGO and Service Providers

Best Buddies International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. From the Board of Directors to the summer interns, everyone on the Best Buddies team shares their energy and enthusiasm as they work to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. (Source: Website)

Solutions by Best Buddies International

Solutions with a zero project award

People related to Projects by Best Buddies International

People related to awarded solutions

Organizations with the same:

Country of Domicile

United States of America

Region of Domicile

North America

Continent of Domicile


Societal Sector

Civil Society