Lasanthi DASKON

Disability Inclusion Advisor at IFES - International Foundation for Electoral Systems

Lasanthi is an Attorney-at-Law who is currently working as the National Disability and Programme Advisor at the Colombo office of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). She is awaiting her Masters Degree in Human Rights from the University of Colombo. Lasanthi is a Visiting Lecturer and Research Supervisor at the Department of Disability Studies, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, which is the only Disability Studies faulty in Sri Lanka. Lasanthi, with her late husband, Senarath Attanayake, was committed to disability advocacy, rights promotion and support for persons with disabilities throughout the past 15 years. Her work, some of which have been co-authored, have been published in several research and other journals of professional organisations in Sri Lanka and in other countries. Year of this biography: 2018

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United States of America