App to support persons with speech and language difficulties to communicate

Milla Says
Milla Says
Country of Implementation
Northern Europe
Start Year
First published

Milla Says from Norway launched a web-based sign language service in 2018 that combines a user-created vocabulary with a standard library of Norwegian signs, and in which custom gestures can be shared within the network. In 2022 there were 200 end users, 1,400 network members, and 56,000 created signs.

A toddler who appears to have down syndrome is playing with the electornic tablet while being assisted by her father.
With Milla Says, people with speech difficulties can develop their own signs.

Solution details


Aleksander WAAGE HELMERSBERG Website
“Vital communication is the key to a good and integrated life as the best versions of ourselves.” Aleksander Helmersberg, Founder, Milla Says/Father of Milla

Milla Says is a start-up company based in Straume, Norway. Launched in 2018, the company has been developing a sign-to-speech web-based service targeted at children and persons with communication challenges and their support network. The service combines an individually developed vocabulary database of signs, symbols, and words and connects the user with a network of supporters, such as teachers and parents. By 2022 there were 200 end users with 1,400 network members, and more than 56,000 signs and symbols have been created.

Problems Targeted

There are few tools available for persons with speech and language difficulties to learn how to communicate in a way they are comfortable with.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

Milla Says enables a supportive learning environment by building a personalized vocabulary database and engaging a network of supporters in communication learning and use. The database contains a standard library of Norwegian sign language and custom vocabulary, which is displayed in text, pictures, symbols, sound, and/or videos. Users can also upload self-recorded videos of their own signs or gestures. A supporter can also develop a new word (sign/symbol) and share it with the network to be introduce in daily life. A new word added to the database is instantly shared resulting in 'push-alerts' to all supporters so that they are encouraged to introduce it in all domains of their life, e.g., at home, school, and sports. Milla Says was launched in 2018, and in 2021 it became a government-recognized assistive device for communication. By 2022 there were 200 end users and 1,400 network members. Milla Says can be used for other alternative and supplementary communication systems other than sign language.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

Milla Says was developed with grants from the Government of Norway. Sales revenues to cover the costs of maintaining the service, customer support, and marketing. The apps are offered for free to approved users by Hjelpemiddelsentralen, a support agency, paying the company €2,500,- for a five-year primary user license. Private users may pay monthly licenses. The company aims to develop Milla Says to support additional languages in multiple countries, expand its standard sign library, and add new communication and gamification features.



A toddler who appears to have down syndrome is playing with the electornic tablet while being assisted by her father. With Milla Says, people with speech difficulties can develop their own signs.



Life Story


“Liam can talk about his day at school, and who he has been spending time with.”

Our son, Liam, now 6 years old, has Down’s Syndrome, which can come with difficulty in communicating. Liam tried to use Makaton symbols and his own sign language to communicate with us and his caretakers and friends, but it was difficult for everyone to understand what he was trying to say, especially when going to nursery school. Then we began using Milla Says, a digital platform with a focus on improving the use of signing and Makaton among users with an oral language impairment. The digital platform is entirely unique and consists of three apps that ‘talk’ together to allow signers to communicate independently in their language. We saw that Liam quickly took to Milla Says, rapidly becoming interested in it and using it to display and use signs. At home the signs that had been gone for some time made a return. However, it was not until school started and an enthusiastic class teacher began working with Liam that Milla Says really began to be used properly. Milla Says follows Liam throughout his school day, including after-school care. We now see a clearly more content little boy who has started to communicate in a way that was not possible before. Liam can talk about his day at school, who he has been spending time with, and what he has been up to. He also uses Milla Says at home when we have visitors, getting it out to start to talk about things using both verbal speech and signs.

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