A new set of provisions for the further implementation of inclusive education
- Solution
- Law 107/2015 – Good School Reform Act; Legislative decree 66/2017
- Organization
- Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
- Country of Implementation
- Italy
- Region
- Europe
- Subregion
- Western Europe
- Start Year
- 2017
- First published
- 31.01.2020
Solution details
“We ask politicians to firmly commit themselves to remove all barriers that hinder our self-achievement and pursue our participation, empowerment, and citizenship.” A student during a 2015 hearing on inclusion
The Italian Ministry of Education, Universities, and Research (MIUR) has a long history of supporting Inclusive Education, with inclusive schools being introduced as early as 1977. More recently, Law 107/2015 came into force, further reforming the Italian school system. The law has eight legislative decrees to improve the system, of which Decree n. 66/2017 aims to improve initial and in-service teacher training and to ensure better coordination among teachers, service providers, and families. As a result of the law, there is a wide range of new support measures for inclusive education.
Problems Targeted
At a 2015 students’ hearing on inclusion organized by the MIUR, students asked for several improvements to the education system.
Solution, Innovation and Impact
The Good School Reform Act (Law 107/2015), which initiated an overall reform of the Italian school system and was implemented in 2017, consists of eight decrees, including Decree 66, which puts the focus on the school environment and enhances individual education plans (IEP) for pupils aimed at identifying barriers and facilitators in school life. Parents submit information about their children, so schools can provide all supports needed. In addition, families are eligible for other help measures, including financial support, according to the national health plan. In every school there is a working group for inclusion (teacher, support teachers, administrative staff). Decree 66 has a special focus on monitoring and evaluation of school inclusiveness, realisation of an inclusive curriculum, specific training for teaching and non-teaching staff in inclusive strategies, territorial support centres, which create networks and spread knowledge and ICT for inclusive education. Furthermore, the law provides for more support teachers who are assigned to classes where there are children with disabilities. They are part of the team of class teachers, and they participate in all planning and assessment activities and decisions.
Funding, Outlook and Transferability
The 2015 Stability Law created a specific fund to finance the school reform. In 2015, €1 billion was invested, rising to €3 billion a year since 2016. In 2019, Decree 66 was amended after a year of experimentation. It will increase its focus on the evaluation of school inclusiveness, school staff training, providing schools with Inclusive Educational tools, empower inclusion groups at all territorial levels and improve the accessibility of school buildings.
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