Creating a role model for Tanzania`s Inclusive Education policy

ADD International - Action on Disability and Development
Country of Implementation
Subsaharan Africa
First published

The project seeks to model Tanzania’s National Strategy on Inclusive Education by initiating systematic changes in education in three districts. These changes will influence school management, teacher training, and pupil support, as well as raise awareness and ensure that families and the communities are involved.

Solution details


“This project is gradually changing community perspectives towards children with disabilities; it is so encouraging that now they can be assured of attending the same schools as other children.” Mr. Joseph Biluma, Education Officer, Kibaha Rural District

Problems Targeted

Fewer than 5% of disabled children in Tanzania are currently enrolled in school, and most of these are in special schools or integrated units rather than in inclusive classrooms. Awareness of and capacity to deliver the National Strategy on Inclusive Education among responsible ministries, educational professionals, local government, parents, and communities is very low.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

The project works with families, children, schools, and public agencies to address the challenges of Inclusive Education by putting the focus on removing barriers, including a lack of resources, inadequate teacher training, discrimination, and a lack of awareness within the education system itself. The aim is also to provide support to the diverse and specific needs of children with disabilities so that they are able to learn alongside their peers. The project increases public awareness through national and local events and through the distribution of the publication "National Strategy on Inclusive Education," which is being translated into Swahili. It also provides training for the media on Inclusive Education and disabilities; establishes inclusive Educational Support Resource and Assessment Centres and School-Based Education Support Centres, which develop training manuals and review existing government manuals and guidelines; refers people with disabilities to specialist services and local professionals; and provides training in curriculum development.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

In partnership with the Ministry of Education, the project has initiated a learning process for government officials, who can then replicate and spread it. The model is currently being replicated by the government in nine additional councils of Tanzania through financial support received from the Global Partnership for Education. A number of national and international organizations are visiting the project to learn from it; and both International Aid Services and Sense International (Tanzania) have requested partnering with Add International to expand the project to a larger geographical area.


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