Housing and life-skills programme for adults with intellectual disabilities

Inclúyeme Adult Life programme
Incluyeme Foundation
Country of Implementation
North America
Start Year
First published

In 2008, Mexico’s Fundación Inclúyeme began operating a programme that enables adults with intellectual disabilities to live independently by providing inclusive and serviced housing, support in finding employment, and recreational activities. By 2022 up to 3,000 people have benefited from the programme.

A woman appearing to have autism smiling while brushing her hair in front of the mirror in the bathroom. A towel hanging on the holder attached to the wall and a purple hair dryer is on the sink.
Fundación Inclúyeme helps adults with intellectual disabilities to live independently.

Solution details


Ariadna LAGUNA Website
“Today I can do many things that I never imagined I could do alone before.” Sara Romano, Housing programme beneficiary.

In 2008 the Mexico City-based Fundación Inclúyeme developed an adult life programme for persons with intellectual disabilities. The programme provides inclusive housing and support in apartments owned by the foundation, inclusive employment by promoting the hiring of trained persons with disabilities, and it supports people living in the community by organizing recreational activities. Between 2010 and 2022 the housing service had 70 beneficiaries, while between 2012 and 2022 the employment service placed 170 beneficiaries.

Problems Targeted

In Mexico there are around 3 million adults with intellectual disabilities, many of whom lack the skills to live independently in the community.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

The adult life programme developed by Inclúyeme Foundation provides persons with intellectual disabilities the skills they need to live independently and to enter the labour market. The programme offers three main services: (1) up to five adults with intellectual disabilities are offered housing in a foundation-owned apartment, which includes a support system to guarantee independent living; (2) it supports employment by training persons with intellectual disabilities for interview preparation and assessing their skills, as well as collaborating with companies on awareness-raising; (3) the programme offers recreational activities for people with disabilities to participate in community life. In 2022 there are four 4 apartments located in Mexico City and the adjacent metropolitan area, with 18 beneficiaries. One of these apartments is mixed in which men and women live together. Moreover, there is one apartment with a mixed supervision scheme (remote and face-to-face), thus providing the beneficiaries with greater independence and decision-making. As of 2022, 70 beneficiaries have been supported with housing services, and 170 have found jobs.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

The adult life programme is funded through regular donations from private individuals, companies, and social institutions. In 2022 the foundation started working on a new project to develop a new curriculum to train adults with disabilities with essential life and work skills, along with a training programme for independent living.



A woman appearing to have autism smiling while brushing her hair in front of the mirror in the bathroom. A towel hanging on the holder attached to the wall and a purple hair dryer is on the sink. Fundación Inclúyeme helps adults with intellectual disabilities to live independently.



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