ATDO - Assistive Technology Development Organization

at a Glace

Country of Domicile
Social Sector
Business Sector
Business Societal Sector Type
Social enterprise

ATDO was established in April 2006 for performing research and development in information and communication technology which meets the needs of persons with disabilities and senior citizens for social inclusion. Universal design concept development and international standardization are key activities of ATDO.

ATDO is also conducting experimental training projects on communication support for deaf-blind people by mobile devices granted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan and other funding organizations. (Source: Website)

Solutions by ATDO - Assistive Technology Development Organization

Solutions with a zero project award

People related to Projects by ATDO - Assistive Technology Development Organization

People related to awarded solutions

Organizations with the same:

Country of Domicile


Region of Domicile

Asia & Pacific

Continent of Domicile


Societal Sector

Business Sector