Creating communities for early childhood interventions

ASOPIECAD - Association of Integrated Community Education Programmes Astrid Delleman
Country of Implementation
Latin America & Caribbean
Central America
First published

This project is aimed at empowering community workers of local institutions to detect disabilities and to then provide the necessary care and early intervention. Similarly, it is aimed at parents and families by providing training in basic techniques and by guiding the education of their children with disabilities.

Maria Nazareth (8) hat Trisomie 21 / Downsyndrom. Sie bekommt vom CBM-gefoerderten Projekt ASOPIECAD Fruehfoerderung. (c) CBM/Harms
This project is aimed at empowering community workers to detect disabilities and development disorders, and to then provide the necessary care and early intervention.

Solution details


“Dream, create, let actions follow and inspire!” Mr. Ervin Rodriguez, Head of Project

Problems Targeted

A high percentage of children under six years with disabilities or development disorders do not receive proper attention due to errors of recognition of the problem, an important issue that concerns the immediate family and health and education authorities. There is a lack of basic technology to detect disabilities and to perform early stimulation, which often results in further learning difficulties or severe disorders as an adult.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

This project is aimed at empowering community workers of local institutions and organizations to detect disabilities and development disorders, and to then provide the necessary care and early intervention – thus ensuring that every child enjoys his/her equal opportunity rights. Similarly, it is aimed at parents and families by providing training in basic techniques and by guiding the education of their children with disabilities or developmental disorders from infancy.

Funding, Outlook and Transferability

This experience can be adopted nationally and internationally by organizations and institutions working in the area of early childhood development with little financial investment, since it works with community resources and is much more cost-effective and sustainable than existing models.



Maria Nazareth (8) hat Trisomie 21 / Downsyndrom. Sie bekommt vom CBM-gefoerderten Projekt ASOPIECAD Fruehfoerderung. (c) CBM/Harms This project is aimed at empowering community workers to detect disabilities and development disorders, and to then provide the necessary care and early intervention.


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Country of Implementation


Region of Implementation

Latin America & Caribbean