ECDD provides technical information on accessibility standards to government, non-governmental organisations, universities and the private sector. 12 cities in the country have been assessed so far, based on the 'Guide to Accessible Ethiopia'.

Guidebook on an accessible ethiopia
ECDD - Ethiopian Center for Disability and Development
Country of Implementation
Subsaharan Africa
First published

ECDD together with Light for the World Austria provides information on accessibility. In 12 cities in Ethiopia people with disabilities were trained to undertake audits and survey the accessibility of hotels, restaurants, schools and other public facilities. A "Guide to Accessible Ethiopia" has been produced and distributed.

Solution details


“Small effort towards accessibility makes a big difference in people’s life.” Yetnebersh NIGUSSIE

ECDD is partnering with Light for the World Austria to provide technical information on accessibility standards to government, non-governmental organisations, universities and the private sector. Persons with disabilities were trained to undertake audits and survey the accessibility of hotels, restaurants, schools and other public facilities in 12 towns of Ethiopia. A 'Guide to Accessible Ethiopia' has been produced, printed and distributed.

Problems Targeted

According to WHO there are an estimated 15 million persons with disabilities in Ethiopia, representing 17.6 per cent of the population. For many, the inaccessibility of built environments is a major obstacle to participating actively in society.

Solution, Innovation and Impact

Guide book on accessibility for 12 cities in Ethiopia

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Country of Implementation


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